Traineeships for Young Women Engineers in Benin’s Public Energy Sector
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Traineeships for Young Women Engineers in Benin’s Public Energy Sector
Last edit made by Helen Mengs on 2023-09-18. This is a wiki, do not hesitate to update information by clicking on "Edit with form".
Key Data
Cellule Genre, AISER Benin, EnDev Benin
December 2020 - December 2022
Project Description
The aim of this project is to contribute to a change in perception and behaviour with regards to women in the field of renewable energy. It is composed of three different pillars: To increase the participation of young female engineers in the public energy sector, the project offers 14 months of traineeships within the Ministry of Energy (MoE) and its related public agencies to eight young female engineers in order to qualify them for a follow-up employment. At the same time, the MoE’s Gender and Development Unit intends to mainstream the topic of gender and to build capacities within the key institutions in charge of energy development in Benin. Finally, to increasethe overall visibility of women in technical job positions, the trainees facilitate lively sensibilisation sessions, during which they inform female students at six high schools about the career opportunities for women in technical professions.
GBE Component
Small Projects Fund
- Gender
- Skills Development
Country SPF
Geographic coordinates of project site
6° 26' 41.53" N, 2° 38' 2.29" E
Latitude Longitude