Toolbox Entry: Asset management and maintenance: a smart grid perspective

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Last edited on 27/11/2022 by Hector Alfaro
(Date format: DD/MM/YYYY)

General Information

ID Number
Main Author
Jung, Chan-Mook; Ray, Papia; Salkuti, Surender Reddy
Publication Year
Type of Entry
Active management of distribution grid
  • Smart grids (AMI, smart meters, etc.) increase

Operation and Maintenance
  • Asset management

Which of the above categories best describe the material
Operation and Maintenance

Journal or conference name
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Asset management describes the intended maintenance, asset replacement and contingency plans for each asset, and provides detail on the expenditure associated with each of these plans. Aging assets, uncertainty in load demand profile and renewable energy resources, and demand management create a challenge for the optimal maintenance and operation of electrical grid. This paper addresses the challenges and opportunities to improve the smart grid asset management and maintenance. This paper also presents the asset replacement alternatives. This paper discussed various issues of smart grid asset management in terms of various functions, importance, pros and cons relative to it. It also discusses various software tools available in the market and their functionality, challenges and improvements required to match the grid standards and expectations.