Toolbox Entry: Analysis of Indian Electricity Distribution Systems for the Integration of High Shares of Rooftop PV

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Last edited on 24/11/2022 by Hector Alfaro
(Date format: DD/MM/YYYY)

General Information

ID Number
Main Author
Energynautics GmbH, GSES India
Publication Year
Type of Entry
Study Report

Enabling Distributed Technologies
  • Distributed generation (solar)

Which of the above categories best describe the material
Distribution planning
Geographical Scope of the Publication
Location within country
Delhi and Bhopal
Reference project name
Integration of Renewable Energies in the Indian Electricity System (I-RE), Indo German Energy Programme

Under the current national target based on National Solar Mission, 40 GW of rooftop PV shall be connected in India by 2022. To reach this target, a good understanding of the Indian power system, its regulatory frameworks, and the similarities and differences with other countries that have already deployed a large share of rooftop PV has to be developed by all stakeholders involved in the process. The study intends to provide an overview of the characteristics of the Indian power system and its problems with regard to a large scale rooftop PV rollout, as well as a template for distribution companies on how to deal with rising PV shares, which studies to conduct and which technology options to select. The scope of the study also includes detailed modelling and simulation of four different distribution grid feeders in Delhi and Bhopal.