Strengthen Sendea: An innovative cooperative of local solar SME for energy access
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Cooperative Approach of Local Solar SMEs for Renewable Energy Promotion in Uganda
Last edit made by Helen Mengs on 2024-05-07. This is a wiki, do not hesitate to update information by clicking on "Edit with form".
Key Data
Stiftung Solarenergie ; Association of Sendea UG Ltd.
October 2020 - September 2022
Project Description
In order to better position the Ugandan solar industry on the domestic market in competition with international companies, Sendea UG is pursuing four priorities: Promoting the exchange of experience between the management of the member solar companies, establishing a Sendea Academy that offers training courses in the areas of technology, sales, financing and management, arranging loans to its members and acquiring orders from international aid organisations that need support for their solar projects. These activities ensure that Seneda can grow and attract new members and train more technicians. This in turn leads to an overall increase in the availability and usage of solar power-systems throughout Uganda, which strengthens the Ugandan national energy grid.
GBE Component
Small Projects Fund
- Skills Development
- Business Development Support
Country SPF
Geographic coordinates of project site
0° 18' 59.36" N, 32° 34' 55.56" E
Latitude Longitude