Securing Health Care with Solar Power
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Securing Health Care by Electrifying a Hospital in Rural Benin
Last edit made by Helen Mengs on 2024-05-07. This is a wiki, do not hesitate to update information by clicking on "Edit with form".
Key Data
Culture, Education, Recherche pour le Développment au Bénin (CERD) ; Gemeinde Bürgerkomitee für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Steinhagen (GBK, Community Citizens’ Committee for Development Cooperation Steinhagen)
June 2022 - September 2023
Project Description
To address the lack of medical care, the non-governmental organisation CERD built its own hospital at the entrance to Boukombé. The aim of this project is to equip this hospital with a photovoltaic system and at the same time connect it to the national electricity grid. The intention is to avoid high electricity bills for the hospital. Patients are to receive comprehensive and at the same time cost-effective medical treatment. With this equipment, the hospital offers its medical staff an attractive workplace and improves the quality of health care in Boukombé in the long term. To electrify the hospital, CERD expands its team with two technical experts coordinating the installation of the system. A selected solar company installs the system consisting of photovoltaic solar panels, storage batteries and the grid connection. The solar energy is used to power lamps, a water pump, a steriliser, an ultrasound machine, oxygen concentrators, aspirators, refrigerators and computers. To ensure sustainable use of the system, the entire hospital staff is trained in its use towards the end of the project.
GBE Component
Small Projects Fund
- Productive Use
- Social Institutions
Country SPF
Geographic coordinates of project site
0° 18' 58.61" N, 32° 34' 55.88" E
Latitude Longitude