SPIS Toolbox - Get Informed - Glossary
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Aquifer | Underground geological formation(s), containing usable amounts of groundwater that can supply wells or springs for domestic, industrial, and irrigation uses. |
Chemigation | The process of applying chemicals (fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, etc...) to crops or soil through an irrigation system with the water. |
Conveyance loss | Loss of water from a channel or pipe during transport, including losses due to seepage, leakage, evaporation, and other losses. |
Crop coefficient | Loss of water from a channel or pipe during transport, including losses due to seepage, leakage, evaporation, and other losses. |
Crop Water Requirement (CWR) |
The amount of water needed by a plant. It depends on the climate, the crop as well as management and environmental conditions. It is the same as crop evapotranspiration. |
Current (I) | Current is the electrical flow when voltage is present across a conductor, or the rate at which charge is flowing, expressed in amperes. |
Deep percolation | Movement of water downward through the soil profile below the root zone. This water is lost to the plants and eventually ends up in the groundwater. [mm] |
Drawdown | Lowering of level of water in a well due to pumping. |
Drip irrigation | Water is applied to the soil surface at very low flow rates (drops or small streams) through emitters. Also known as trickle or micro-irrigation. |
Emitter | Small micro-irrigation dispensing device designed to dissipate pressure and discharge a small uniform flow or trickle of water at a constant discharge which does not vary significantly because of minor differences in pressure head. Also called a "dripper" or "trickler". |
Evaporation | Loss of water as vapor from the surface of the soil or wet leaves. [mm] |
Evapotranspiration (ET) | Combined water lost from evaporation and transpiration. The crop ET (ETc) can be estimated by calculating the reference ET for a particular reference crop (ETo for clipped grass) from weather data and multiplying this by a crop coefficient. The ETc, or water lost, equals the CWR, or water needed by plant. [mm] |
GIWR | The Gross Irrigation Water Requirement (GIWR) is used to express the quantity of water that is required in the irrigation system. |
Infiltration | The act of water entering the soil profile. |
Fertigation | Application of fertilizers through the irrigation system. A form of chemigation. |
Financial viability |
The ability to generate sufficient income to meet operating expenditure, financing needs and, ideally, to allow profit generation. It is usually assessed using the Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) approaches together with estimating the sensitivity of the cost and revenue elements (See Module FINANCE). |
Friction loss |
The loss of pressure due to flow of water in pipe. It depends on the pipe size (inside diameter), flow rate, and length of pipe. It is determined by consulting a friction loss chart available in an engineering reference book or from a pipe supplier. |
Global solar radiation (G) |
The energy carried by radiation on a surface over a certain period of time. The global solar radiation is locations specific as it is influenced by clouds, air humidity, climate, elevation and latitude, etc. The global solar radiation on a horizontal surface is measured by a network of meteorological stations all over the world and is expressed in kilowatt hours per square meter [kWh/m²]. |
Gravity flow |
The use of gravity to produce pressure and water flow, for example when a storage tank is elevated above the point of use, so that water will flow with no further pumping required. |
Head |
Value of atmospheric pressure at a specific location and condition. (meters): head, total (dynamic ) Sum of static, pressure, friction and velocity head that a pump works against while pumping at a specific flow rate, head loss Energy loss in fluid flow. |
Insolation |
The rate at which solar energy reaches a unit area at the earth measures in Watts per square meter [W/m2]. Also called solar irradiance. |
Irradiation |
The integration or summation of insolation (=solar irradiance ) over a time period expressed in Joules per square meter (J/m2) or watt-hours per square meter [Wh/m2] |
Irrigation |
Irrigation is the controlled application of water to respond to crop needs. |
Irrigation efficiency |
Proportion of the irrigation water that is beneficially used to the irrigation water that is applied [%]. |
Irrigation head | Control unit to regulate water quantity, quality and pressure in an irrigation system using different types of valves, pressure regulators, filters and possibly a chemigation system. |
Lateral |
Pipe(s) that go from the control valves to the sprinklers or drip emitter tubes. |
Latitude |
Latitude specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface. It is an angle which ranges from 0° at the Equator to 90° (North or South) at the poles. Lines of constant latitude, or parallels, run east–west as circles parallel to the equator. Latitude is used together with longitude to specify the precise location of features on the surface of the Earth. |
Leaching |
Moving soluble materials down through the soil profile with the water. |
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) |
An important feature in many control boxes to draw the right amount of current in order to maintain a high voltage and achieve maximum system efficiency. |
Net Irrigation Water Requirements (NIWR) |
The sum of the individual crop water requirements (CWR) for each plant for a given period of time. The NIWR determines how much water should reach the crop to satisfy its demand for water in the soil. |
Power (P) |
s the rate at which energy is transferred by an electrical circuit expressed in watts. Power depends on the amount of current and voltage in the system. Power equals current multiplied by voltage (P=I x V). Pressure The measurement of force within a system. This is the force that moves water through pipes, sprinklers and emitters. Static pressure is measured when no water is flowing and dynamic pressure is measured when water is flowing. Pressure and flow are affected by each other. [bars, psi, kPa] |
Photosynthesis |
Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that can later be released to fuel the organisms' activities (energy transformation). |
Priming |
The process of hand-filling the suction pipe and intake of a surface pump. Priming is generally necessary when a pump must be located above the water source. |
Pump |
Converts mechanical energy into hydraulic energy (pressure and/or flow). Submersible Pump - A motor/pump combination designed to be placed entirely below the water surface. Surface Pump - A pump that is not submersible and placed not higher than about 7 meters above the surface of the water. |
Root Zone |
The depth or volume of soil from which plants effectively extract water from [m] |
Salinity (Saline) |
Salinity refers to the amount of salts dissolved in soil water. |
Solar panel efficiency |
Solar panel efficiency is the ratio of light shining on the panel, versus the amount of electricity produced. It is expressed as a percentage. Most systems are around 16% efficient, meaning 16% of the light energy is converted into electricity. |
Suction lift |
Vertical distance from the surface of the water to the pump. This distance is limited by physics to around 7 meters and should be minimized for best results. This applies only to surface pumps. |
Surface irrigation |
Irrigation method where the soil surface is used to transport the water via gravity flow from the source to the plants. Common surface irrigation methods are: furrow irrigation- water is applied to row crops in small ditches or channels between the rows made by tillage implements; basin irrigation- water is applied to a completely level area surrounded by dikes, and flood irrigation- water is applied to the soil surface without flow controls, such as furrows or borders. |
Transpiration |
Water taken up by the plant's roots and transpired out of the leaves. [mm] |
Voltage (V) |
Voltage is the electric potential between two points, or the difference in charge between two points, expressed in Volts. |