Publication - The Energy Access Dividend (EAD) in Honduras and Haiti

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The Energy Access Dividend (EAD) in Honduras and Haiti
International American Development Bank (IDB), Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL), Duke Energy Access Project
Emily L. Pakhtigian, Eric Burton, Marc Jeuland, Subhrendu K. Pattanayak, Jonathan Phillips
Published in
December 2019
This report presents results of the EAD model for Haiti and Honduras, two countries that

represent different electricity access situations in Latin America. In both settings, energy poverty continues to pose important challenges, but the nature of the problem is quite different. Haiti has the lowest rates of electricity access in the Western Hemisphere, while Honduras has much higher connection rates but still faces problems related to last mile connections and electricity quality. The contrasting nature of the challenge in these two settings provide a useful comparison that also helps to better demonstrate the value of EAD in policy-making.

Furthermore, as data availability differs substantially between the two countries, this report illustrates how detailed household-level survey data can be a powerful addition to national-level statistics by demonstrating how benefits accrue in different ways to different populations within a country. Designed as a tool for policy planning, the dividends presented in this report for Haiti and Honduras are intended to highlight the role of electrification in economic development and offer policymakers a framework for including electrification

trade-offs—in terms of technology, pace, and level—in policy planning and design.
