Public-Private Partnerships for Solar Energy Projects in Benin

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Public-Private Partnerships for Solar Energy Projects in Benin

Last edit made by Stefan Eibisch on 2024-05-22. This is a wiki, do not hesitate to update information by clicking on "Edit with form".

Key Data

ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability e.V; ANCB – Association Nationale des Communes du Bénin
December 2021 - March 2023
Project Description
The project contributes to strengthening regional capacities for the development of public-private partnership (PPP) projects. This includes improving the capacity of local and regional governments to identify, design and implement PPP activities with a focus on solar PV projects. The project partners develop a toolkit to help local and regional governments: (1) prioritise their solar PV infrastructure project pipeline, (2) design and improve the PPP framework (the combination of legal, regulatory, institutional and financial factors), (3) assess whether a particular project should be implemented as a PPP, and (4) structure a sustainable PPP project. Knowledge about the toolkit and PPP implementation is shared with regional government stakeholders and potential PPP actors through capacity building workshops.

The project serves as a “blueprint” for decision-makers in many countries beyond Benin for their urban climate protection efforts. The project’s publications and international knowledge dissemination activities ensure that the knowledge gained is freely and comprehensively available even after the project ends. The project is embedded in the Transformative Actions Program led by ICLEI, a global network of local governments focused on transforming their ideas for low-emission infrastructure projects into fullfledged projects. Hence, there exists great potential for these concepts to be adopted in other regions of the world.
GBE Component
Small Projects Fund
  • Energy Access

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Country SPF
Geographic coordinates of project site
6° 30' 39.46" N, 2° 19' 49.12" E
Latitude            Longitude

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