Opportunity - Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards 2023

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Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards 2023
Women and Gender Constituency (WGC)
  • Climate Change
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Energy Access
  • Renewable Energy
  • Worldwide
Initiatives will be weighed against the following criteria aimed to measure contributions to gender equality, resilience, and sustainability. Winning projects will ideally work across all key result areas, though the organizers note that not all projects will be in a position/stage to meet each and every criterion. Due to existing inequalities and a lack of available resources globally, priority will be given to women and gender-non-conforming-led initiatives, recognizing that programs do not necessarily need to be women-led to be gender-just.

Result Area 1: Women's Rights and gender equality

Provides equal access to benefits for women, men, gender non-conforming, and youth Aims to alleviate and/or does not add additional burden to women's workload (such as via additional natural resource management or care responsibilities without compensation Empowers women through better mobility/accessibility, enhanced livelihood security, enhanced food security, improved health, access to safe water, etc. (as many benefits as possible) Promotes women’s democratic rights and participation by ensuring decision-making by local women, men, women’s groups, cooperatives, and communities.

Result Area 2: Climate Resilience

Locally led and/or locally driven (decentralized and appropriate) Ensures self-sufficiency & a low input of resources (safe, affordable, and sustainable) Contributes to climate change mitigation, emissions reduction, and/or climate adaptation (the project is sustainable).

Result Area 3: Scaling-up and transfer

Results can be shared, spread & scaled up (replicable elsewhere, not just benefiting one individual) Shows interlinkages to cross-cutting issues, such as (including, but not restricted to) peace-building, natural resources management, food security and/or health, water, and sanitation.

All types of activist, grassroots and women-led, and gender equality organizations and groups working on issues related to climate change from all over the world are encouraged to apply. Only non-governmental initiatives are eligible (local or national government initiatives cannot be considered). The project/initiative should either have been completed or be in current operation for at least a year. The initiative must fit within one of the 3 award categories of projects.