Fuel Prices Fiji

From energypedia

Part of: GIZ International Fuel Price database
Also see: Fiji Energy Situation

Fuel Pricing Policies

Local Currency: FJD
Exchange Rate: 1.822


Last Update: 2011/05/01

The Fiji Commerce Commission (FCC, http://www.commcomm.gov.fj/) is the regulatory authority for the downstream fuel market. FCC published press statements with mandatory maximum prices, including actual pump prices and wholesale prices.

Detailed information on fuel price composition and historical fuel price timelines is not available on the FCC website.

According to sources (→App. A1), the FCC sets a 15 cent price bend in April 2011. Thus, the pump prices will remain unchanged, until the calculated costs differ by at least 15 (Fiji-)cents from effective pump prices.

Fuel Prices and Trends

Gasoline 95 Octane Diesel
in USD*

in Local Currency

* benchmark lines: green=US price; grey=price in Spain; red=price of Crude Oil

Fuel Price Composition

Price composition for one litre of Gasoline 95 Octane as of 2011/04/25.

GIZ IFP2012 Fiji.png

(*Import+Wholesale costs include sea-shipping, import proceedings, storage, local transportation and profits.)

Source: own calculations based on http://www.commcomm.gov.fj/docs/Petroleum%20Order%20effective%20from%2001-01-2011.pdf and http://www.aip.com.au/pricing/marketwatch.htm (for MOPS95 price).

At a Glance

Transparency of
Price Composition
Transparency of Pricing
Mechanism / Monitoring
IFPDB matrix background.png
IFPDB matrix point.png
IFPDB trafficlight yellow.png IFPDB trafficlight explanation.png IFPDB trafficlight yellow.png

Detailed information on fuel price composition missing. Historical fuel prices missing.

Sources to the Public

Type of Information Web-Link / Source
Other Information http://fijitoday.wordpress.com/2011/04/25/fuel-prices-increase-today/ (A1)
Other Information http://www.commcomm.gov.fj/
Pump prices and margins http://www.commcomm.gov.fj/


Please find more information on GIZ International Fuel Price Database and http://www.giz.de/fuelprices

This is a living document. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact us: Armin.Wagner@giz.de