Event - Webinar: African Model Mini-Grid Regulations 2

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Webinar: African Model Mini-Grid Regulations
African Union and GET.transform
Online Seminars
  • Mini-grid
  • Energy Access
  • Policy and Regulation
  • Productive Use

2023/01/18 2pm SAST/1pm CET
  • Nigeria
[www.get-transform.eu/webinar-african-model-mini-grid-regulations link to the event]
In a webinar, the African Forum of Utility Regulators (AFUR), the African Union, and GET.transform will present the first results from the toolbox of African model mini-grid regulations. The joint activity seeks to provide resources, peer exchange, and regulatory best practices that enable scaled-up mini-grid investment.

AFUR is the regional platform under the African Union, on which African energy regulators link up to address common challenges. To increase rural electrification, mini-grids have become a key priority for many of AFUR’s members and GET.transform is a proud partner of AFUR in the endeavor to harmonize mini-grid regulation across the continent.

Drawing on GET.transform’s regulatory support experience on the country level as well as the mini-grid policy work developed under the AU with EU TAF and Power Africa, the Model Mini-Grid Regulations will allow stakeholders to tap into technical standards, grid arrival regulations, innovations for sustainable mini-grid tariffs, and bankable legal frameworks built upon applied best practice. The speakers of the first webinar, African Model Mini-Grid Regulations: Looking Through a Technical Lens, will be:

Debbie Roets, Executive Secretary, AFUR Samuel S. Bunnya, Project Coordinator, AFUR Temitope Udo-Affia, TA Coordinator Off-Grid Regulation & Markets, GET.transform

Nico Peterschmidt, CEO, Inensus