Event - UNFCCC - Article 6 Webinars - Round 3

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UNFCCC - Article 6 Webinars - Round 3
United Nations
Online Seminars
  • Other
  • Climate Change

2023/08/29 7:00 AM GMT+2
2023/08/29 8:00 AM GMT+2

Online (YouTube)
This is to let you know that the UN Climate Change secretariat continues its webinar series on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and has now completed the first and second rounds.

The webinars seek to share information and provide the necessary knowledge on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to increase understanding and readiness for participation in it.

The third and final round will take place on Tuesday 29 August, at 7.00 (GMT+2) AND 16:00 (GMT+2). It will be dedicated to the CDM Transition to the Article 6.4 mechanism, focusing on the procedures and key milestones of the process.

The morning session (7.00 GMT+2) will provide interpretation services in Arabic and Russian, while the afternoon session (same session, also delivered in English) will provide interpretation in Spanish and French.

You will also be able to watch all webinars on demand via the same link (i.e. this is the place to go if you have missed webinar 1 and 2), but without the live interpretation.

Join us live on YouTube!