Collaboration to Scale-Up High-Potential Innovations in Agribusiness in West Africa

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Last modified by Lilia Maximova on 2020-12-22. This is a wiki so please feel free to update information by clicking on "Edit with form".

Project title

Collaboration to Scale-Up High-Potential Innovations in Agribusiness in West Africa

Project country/region

☐ East Asia & Pacific
☐ Europe & Central Asia
☐ Latin America & The Carribean
☐ Middle East & North Africa
☐ North America
☐ South Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa

Project organisation

Water & Energy for Food (WE4F), ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (ECREEE)

Project description

On October 27th, Water & Energy for Food (WE4F) and ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) signed an agreement to collaborate in West Africa to scale-up high-potential innovations in agribusiness. These innovations will increase water- and energy-efficiency and the use of renewable energy to produce more and better-quality food.

Energy is a driver for economic growth and social development and harnessing the potential of sustainable energy is a prerequisite to achieving inclusive green growth and strong agri-business value chains in West Africa.

In the framework of the MoU, the main areas of collaboration are:

Policy, regulatory and institutional frameworks through policy formulation, implementation, and monitoring, with policy round tables and field-to-policy learning;

Capacity-development of stakeholders in water-energy-food market ecosystems to promote and disseminate best practices for WEF nexus aimed at more sustainable food production at national, regional and global level, as well as to disseminate successful case studies and lessons learned, including on ESG standards´ integration, gender mainstreaming;

Demonstration projects and scale-up of innovations with partnership development (public-private partnership) and resource mobilisation (including access to finance).

Project related to following sources of energy


☐ Biomass

☐ Biofuel

☐ Biogas

☐ Wind

☐ Geo-Thermal

☐ Hydro

Energy Efficiency

☐ Other: /

Project primarily related to the following Commodity Groups

☐ Cereals

☐ Fruits and vegetables

☐ Nuts and berries

☐ Forage

☐ Dairy products

☐ Meat products

☐ Oil Seeds

☐ Roots and Tubers

☐ Eggs

☐ Pulses

☐ Fiber Crops

☐ Forestry

☐ Sugars

☐ Stimulants

☐ Spices

☐ Other: /

Project primarily related to the following Agricultural Value Chain Steps

☐ Mechanization

Efficiency of Operation


☐ Transportation

☐ Controlled Atmosphere

☐ Controlled Temperature

☐ Mechanical Sorting

☐ Preservation

☐ Other: /

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