From energypedia
Pages in category "ESDS"
The following 47 pages are in this category, out of 47 total.
- E-Waste Reduction in Displacement Settings
- Electrification of Six Health Centres in Rhino Camp and Imvepi Refugee Settlements
- End-User Finance and Payment Systems in Displacement Settings in Uganda
- End-user finance in payment Systems in displacement settings
- End-User Finance Study & Payment Systems Research in Displacement Settings in Kenya
- Energy Efficiency in Humanitarian Infrastructure - A Practitioners Guideline
- Energy Solutions for Displacement Settings (ESDS) - Factsheet
- ESDS - Internal Guide
- ESDS Country Portrait Ethiopia - Factsheet
- ESDS Country Portrait Kenya - Factsheet
- ESDS Country Portrait Uganda - Factsheet
- ESDS Cross-Cutting Topics (Communication)
- ESDS Cross-Cutting Topics (Gender)
- ESDS Cross-Cutting Topics (Policy)
- ESDS D-Lab
- ESDS Electrification (Mini-Grids)
- ESDS Electrification (Social Institutions)
- ESDS Greening UNHCR Infrastructure
- ESDS Market-Based Energy Access (Cooking Fuel)
- ESDS Market-Based Energy Access (E-Waste)
- ESDS Market-Based Energy Access (Energy Kiosk)
- ESDS Market-Based Energy Access (Finance)
- ESDS Market-Based Energy Access (Operation and Maintenance)
- ESDS User Center Design (UCD) in Humanitarian Energy Projects
- Expanding mini-grids during Covid-19 – Experiences from Kalobeyei
- Potentials of Biomass Cooking Fuel Production in Displacement Settings
- Promoting Productive Use of Electricity in Displacement settings
- Providing Access to Energy in Displacement Settings: Experiences from Ofua Village, Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement
- Publication - Sustainable Operation and Maintenance: Models for Off-Grid Energy Technologies in Sun ESDS Displacement Settings
Media in category "ESDS"
The following 9 files are in this category, out of 9 total.
- 2. Nura Chuol.jpg 4,494 × 3,000; 4.56 MB
- D-Lab presentation for GIZ-UNHCR workshop.pptx ; 284.71 MB
- ESDS Milestones Data.pdf 3,507 × 2,480; 1.63 MB
- ESDS Project Y4 Score Card FINAL.pdf 2,481 × 3,509, 3 pages; 2.36 MB
- ESDS-webinar-nov24.jpg 1,365 × 341; 75 KB
- GIZ ESDS Overview-of-Interventions-of-ESDS.pdf 3,507 × 2,480, 21 pages; 4.32 MB
- MIT D-Lab Approach.png 1,405 × 783; 2.15 MB
- Promoting Productive Use of Electricity in Displacement settings.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 13 pages; 1.74 MB
- The Sustainable Energy Response Plan for Refugess and Host Communities 2022-2025.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 88 pages; 283.98 MB