ACCESS CSO - People, Energy and Environment Development Association (PEEDA)

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People, Energy and Environment Development Association (PEEDA)

  • People, Energy and Environment Development Association (PEEDA) was founded in 1997 and is based in Nepal .
  • Type of organisation: NGO

People Energy & Environment Development Association (PEEDA) is an NGO dedicated to improve livelihoods of communities, particularly the poor, by collective utilization of renewable energy resources, while ensuring due care for the environment. It works with various skateholders to bring the support and services where there is need. PEEDA has working experience in India, Bhutan and Bangladesh for the same reason.

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Key Activities
Renewable Energy Technology Research (mainly customised research), social research regarding to energy services, research on electric cooking in michro hydro project area, electrification, climate change adpatation
Main Activities
CSO icons 01.pngCSO icons 02.pngCapacity building and training.pngCSO icons 03.pngCSO icons 05.png
Target Groups
for clean cooking:
  • Households
CSO icon theme 01.pngCSO icon theme 02.pngEnergy and migration.png
Energy Solution Focus
CSO icon cooking Asset 7.png Clean cooking
CSO icon electricity bo Asset 11.png Electricity

CSO icon biomass Asset 7.png Biomass CSO icon solar Asset 5 bo.png Solar

CSO icon hydro Asset 7 bo.png Hydro

CSO icon wind Asset 10 bo.png Wind

Electricity with biomass.png Biomass Electricity hybrid.png Hybrid


Cso icon mini.png
Where we work
Our regions of operation are: South Asia.

Our countries of operation are: Nepal.
Our headquarter is based in:

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All over Nepal
Contact Details
  • Contact Biraj Gautam
  • Visit our [ website (external link)]

Logo Facebook.png
We work together with the following ACCESS coalition partners: Centre for Rural Technology (CRT) - Nepal, People; Energy and Environment Development Association (PEEDA) - Nepal, Practical Action, World Wildlife Foundation (WWF).
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<ul><li>"{{{CSO activity business}}}" is not in the list (Business development support) of allowed values for the "CSO activity business" property.</li> <!--br--><li>"Template:CSO theme migration" is not in the list (Energy and migration) of allowed values for the "CSO theme migration" property.</li></ul>