Financing Energy Effciency Brazil China India

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Financing Energy Effciency_Brazil_China_India

Title of Document Financing Energy Effciency_Brazil_China_India
Abstract Greater energy efficiency is key for shifting country development paths toward lower-carbon economic growth. Especially in developing countries and transition economies, vast potential for energy savings opportunities remain unrealized even though current financial returns are strong. Financing Energy Efficiency: Lessons from Brazil, China, India, and Beyond examines the nature of this dilemma and how it may be overcome

in practical and operational terms.

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English: Financing Energy Effciency Brazil China India.pdf

Original Source World Bank
Year 2007
Region/Country East Asia & The Pacific - China
Latin America & The Caribbean - Brazil
South Asia - India
Language(s) English
Document Type Project Financing - Financial Instruments and Mechanisms
Sector Multisector

Property "EEPRC abstractsearch2" (as page type) with input value "ßcurrent financial returns are strong. financing energy efficiency: lessons from brazil, china, india, and beyond examines the nature of this dilemma and how it may be overcome</br>in practical and operational terms." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.