Research Projects: Resilience in Transport Sector

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Research Projects: Resilience in Transport Sector

The table below provides highlight of the research work undertaken in field of resilience within transport sector.

Title Thematic area / keywords Description Links
Futurenet - Future resilient transport networks Infrastructure, Climate Change

A resilient transport network is accounting for technology, infrastructure and climate changes. The Futurenet research project, led by the University of Birmingham, aims at providing tools for assessment and planning of resilient transport systems.

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Real-time planning for resillient transport futures Technical, Planning

The interaction between transport policy and the economy, environment and society, aims at improving the effectiveness of transport networks at local, national and international levels in delivering sustainability.

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Road Owners Getting to Grips with Climate Change

Technical, transport, climate change

The research program aims at providing road authorities all across Europe with knowledge and tools to oppose climate change. In road management, design rules have to be adapted, data collection must be updated and risk management methods are to be developed.

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Building a More Disaster and Climate Resilient Transport Sector in Papua New Guinea

Transport, Risk, Climate change

Detaild overview over the project's aims in developing suitable tools to evaluate and communicate the risks related to natural hazards.

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Transportation Network Resiliency: A Study of Self-Annealing

Disaster, Transport Resilience

This research proposes a conceptual framework to quantify resilience of transportation networks in order to provide reliable data to decision makers whilst investments.

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Climate Change and Transport Climate change, Transport

The WEATHER project aims at analysing the economic costs of more frequent and more extreme weather events on transport and on the wider economy. The project explores adaptation strategies in the context of sustainable policy design.

Read More ENR SRO3 Climate Change

Road Research

The project researchs the influence of climate change on road networks in Europe.

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TCRP A-41: Improving the Resiliency of Transit Systems Threatened by Natural Disasters

Natural Disasters

The lessons from rebuilding after Hurricane Sandy and other major disasters experienced throughout the country will help public transit systems that have not yet been affected better prepare their assets and infrastructure for potential major events. Research is needed to investigate measures that were undertaken or will be undertaken to protect public transit equipment, infrastructure, and operations from future weather events.
Note, the project is not yet operating. It will start in 2015.

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ARISCC – Adaptation of Railway Infrastructure to Climate Change (ARISCC)

Infrastructure, Climate Change

This project researches the impact of climate change on the railway infrastructures.

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