Webinar Experiences on Operation and Maintenance in Displacement Settings

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Man cleaning solar panels

Access to safe, affordable and sustainable energy is key for human development. In line with this goal, many humanitarian initiatives focus on meeting the energy demands of the displaced population using solar off-grid solutions such as solar lanterns, solar home systems, solar PV systems and solar mini-grids. These solutions are cost effective and environmentally friendly compared to diesel powered generators. However, these solutions require servicing and maintenance, especially bigger and more complex solutions. Without this and in view of the sometimes harsh environmental conditions in displacement settings, off-grid solutions end up not functioning quicker than desired.

This webinar aims to provide understanding into Operation and Maintenance practices and strategies in displacement settings in general and explicitly in East Africa. It shall provide insights on challenges and opportunities to realise O&M, and to set the topic as equally crucial as electricity provision itself. Moreover, experiences from on the ground and ideas on how to include O&M better into planning shall be shared.


  • Thomas Ernst Gross (UNHCR Geneva Technical Hub)
  • Rolex Muceka (GIZ ESDS Uganda)
  • Japheth Mayoli (GIZ ESDS Kenya)
  • Douglas Cox (Renewvia Solar Africa)

Further Reading