European Cookstove Coordination

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<googlemap version="0.9" lat="21.289374" lon="0.703125" type="map" zoom="1">
-1.757537, 39.111328, Kenya (GIZ)
1.042.500 stoves
1.977147, 33.75, Uganda (GIZ)
751.800 stoves
(_white) 4.083453, 33.881836, Uganda (SNV)
(_yellow) -0.703107, 33.837891, Uganda (GVEP)
49.600 stoves
9.795678, 42.539063, Ethiopia, (GIZ)
277.100 Stoves
(_green) 7.100893, 42.539063, Ethiopia (BSH)
600 stoves
(_white) 4.477856, 42.539063, Ethiopia (SNV)
__ Stoves
(_green) 0.263671, 38.935547, Kenya (BSH)
100 stoves
(_purple) -4.214943, 39.199219, Kenya (PA)
3.100 stoves
(_white) 3.425692, 38.847656, Kenya (SNV)
-7.013668, 33.046875, Tanzania (GIZ)
55.300 stoves
(_yellow) -9.102097, 35.683594, Tanzania (GVEP)
114.600 stoves
(_white) -11.178402, 37.96875, Tanzania (SNV)
(_purple) -1.493971, 29.707031, Rwanda (PA)
(_white) -2.855263, 29.707031, Rwanda (SNV)
_ stoves
-20.13847, 46.054688, Madagascar (GIZ)
12.500 stoves
(_purple) -23.725012, 45.878906, Madagascar (PA)
_ stoves
-22.350076, 34.453125, Mozambique (GIZ)
40.000 stoves
-15.538376, 34.980469, Malawi (GIZ)
85.500 stoves
-21.125498, 28.828125, Zimbabwe (GIZ)
18.100 stoves
-14.944785, 25.839844, Zambia (GIZ)
23.000 stoves
-24.846565, 21.972656, Botswana (GIZ)
200 stoves
-30.600094, 21.621094, South Africa (GIZ)
6.000 stoves
-30.297018, 27.597656, Lesotho (GIZ)
1.500 stoves
-26.824071, 31.816406, Swaziland (GIZ)
400 stoves
(_white) 5.090944, 12.832031, Cameroon (SNV)
(_white) -2.021065, -6.416016, Africa (SNV)
8.200 plants
9.535749, 2.285156, Benin (GIZ)
62.100 stoves
(_white)6.140555, 2.285156, Benin (SNV)
_ stoves
(_white) 13.068777, -4.21875, Burkina Faso (SNV)
_ stoves
(_brown) 5.090944, -2.021484, Ghana (SF)
16.130262, -15.46875, Senegal (GIZ)
78.600 stoves
(_white) 12.382928, -15.292969, Senegal (SNV)
_ stoves
(_grey) 18.104087, -1.757812, Mali (GERES)
185.000 stoves
(_grey) 28.304381, -9.492187, Morocco (GERES)
110 stoves
30.448674, 9.492188, Tunisia (GIZ)
440 stoves
(_brown) -8.581021, 46.054688, East Africa (SF)
50.000 stoves
(_purple) 16.214675, 29.53125, Sudan (PA)
1.500 stoves
(_green) -20.632784, -7.03125, Other (BSH)
_ stoves
(_grey)32.842674, 65.214844,Afghanistan (GERES)
10 stoves
(_white)25.482951, 68.027344,Pakistan (SNV)
600 stoves
(_green)19.311143, 79.101563,India (BSH)
100 stoves
(_white)25.324167, 83.320313, Nepal (SNV)
225.400 stoves
(_white)12.039321, 108.632813, Vietnam (SNV)
100.300 stoves
43.707594, 103.183594, Mongolia (GIZ)
400 stoves
(_green) 8.928487, 117.421875, Philippines (BSH)
30 stoves
(_white)12.811801, 102.744141,Cambodia (SNV)
10.100 stoves
(_grey)9.882275, 102.744141,Cambodia (GERES)
1.755.500 stoves
(_white)19.642588, 102.480469,Laos (SNV)
2.000 stoves
26.431228, 89.736328,Bangladesh (GIZ)
120.000 stoves
(_white)23.402765, 89.912109,Bangladesh (SNV)
5.090 stoves
(_purple)20.385825, 90.087891,Bangladesh (PA)
120.000 stoves
(_purple)6.489983, 80.947266,Sri Lanka (PA)
3.000.000 stoves
(_greem)-4.390229, 123.925781,Indonesia (BSH)
1.200 stoves
(white)-7.536764, 124.101563,Indonesia (SNV)
1.600 stoves
-8.667918, -75.673828,Peru (GIZ)
30.300 stoves
-17.056785, -64.599609,Bolivia (GIZ)
25.200 stoves
14.43468, -87.275391,Honduras (GIZ)
6.400 stoves
(_green)9.535749, -84.375,Costa Rica (BSH)
50 stoves
(_purple)-11.436955, -75.761719Peru (PA)
300 stoves
9.622414, -4.394531, Burkina Faso (GIZ)
76.500 stoves
(_yellow)1.933227, 38.935547, Kenya (GVEP)
11.400 stoves

Data gathered Oct 2011<br><br>Legend
