WE4F Quiz

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Check your knowledge about the water-energy-food-nexus by filling out this quiz. You can only choose one answer per question! Drop by the exhibition area to discuss about the answers.

1 How much of the food produced worldwide would you guess is being lost within the supply chain from post harvest up to, but excluding, the retail level?


2 Which of the following sustainable approaches can be adopted by farmers on site and in further steps of the supply chain to minimize post harvest food loss?

Solar Drying
Solar powered Ice Production
Solar Cooling
All of them and more
Solar Milling

3 What is your best guess on how many people in Sub Saharan Africa currently have access to electricity and how the estimation for 2030 looks like?

From 65% to 70%
From 50% to 60%
From 80% to 85%

4 One way to achieve affordable, reliable, sustainable energy is to improve the grid. However, this is a costly undertaking. What’s your best guess on what share of the required investment is actually being invested in Sub Saharan Africa?


5 Another way to approach that target is to establish a decentralized power infrastructure. Consequently, photovoltaic modules and their affordability are of high interest. What’s your best guess on how much the price of PV modules decreased globally between 2009 and 2015?


6 Considering the insufficient investments in the accessibility of electricity and the strong cost decrease of PV modules, solar based innovations gain attractiveness. Nevertheless, these need to be financed. Which of the following innovative approaches are promising?

Microfinance for woman
Pay-Go models for solar products
All of them and more …
Digital Financing
Pay-As-You Chill for cold rooms
Asset Funding