Publication - Powering Opportunity in East Africa

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Powering Opportunity in East Africa
Altai Consulting
Published in
September 2019
The greatest beneficiaries are those most in need. These are low-income households. A significant 59% of households that purchased SHS report earning less than $3.20 per day and 81% less than $5.502 per day, indicating that SHS are mainly reaching low-income households in East Africa.Customers generate more income.15 months after purchasing an SHS, 34% of households are more economically active. This means that either through use of the product in a business or through the ability to undertake more work hours, they have the opportunity to earn more money. 28% of households report generating additional income from this additional economic activity with the average additional income across the research reported at $46 a month. On average, the amount generated is equivalent to 14% of the national monthly income per household3.More work hours unlocked and jobs created. By extending business opening hours or giving customers more free time in their day for economic activity, the SHS helps them work more hours or even start new activities. Overall, this additional work translates into 21 FTE jobs per 100 SHS sold. Job creation unlocks improved income prospects and by extension better quality of life for the informal workforce, especially in rural areas.Significant improvement in quality of life.15 months after purchasing their SHS, 95% of customers would recommend their product to a friend or relative. An encouraging 94% report they feel improvements to their quality of life as a direct result of using their SHS. Not only do these SHS’ open up income opportunities, they also replace dangerous kerosene lamps which have harmful effects on health. SHS also provide more time for children to do their homework with increased light hours after school and improve safety in homes and businesses.


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