Solar Bubble Dryer
Project title
Solar Bubble Dryer
Project country/region
☑ East Asia & Pacific - Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam
☐ Europe & Central Asia
☑ Latin America & The Carribean - Nicaragua
☐ Middle East & North Africa
☐ North America
☐ South Asia
☐ Sub-Saharan Africa
Project organisation
IRRI (International Rice Research Institute), University of Hohenheim, CIGAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research), GrainPro Inc., GIZ - Powering Agriculture on behalf of BMZ (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development)
Project description
The Solar Bubble Dryer (SBD) is a low-cost drying technology. The SBD is mobile and is completely independent from fuel or the power grid, and therefore has very low operating cost. It comes in different sizes, with current models having 0.5 and 1t batch capacity.
Project related to following sources of energy
☑ Solar
☐ Biomass
☐ Biofuel
☐ Biogas
☐ Wind
☐ Geo-Thermal
☐ Hydro
☐ Energy Efficiency
☐ Other: /
Project primarily related to the following Commodity Groups
☑ Cereals
☐ Fruits and vegetables
☐ Nuts and berries
☐ Forage
☐ Dairy products
☐ Meat products
☐ Oil Seeds
☐ Roots and Tubers
☐ Eggs
☐ Pulses
☐ Fiber Crops
☐ Forestry
☐ Sugars
☐ Stimulants
☐ Spices
☐ Other: /
Project primarily related to the following Agricultural Value Chain Steps
☐ Mechanization
☐ Efficiency of Operation
☐ Processing
☐ Transportation
☐ Controlled Atmosphere
☐ Controlled Temperature
☐ Mechanical Sorting
☑ Preservation
☐ Other: /
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