Political-, Legal- & Electricity Framework EE-Lighting

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To counteract negative effects of rising energy prices many countries that depend on energy import, focus on energy efficiency and are willing to implement new concepts. In many developing countries potentials for reduced energy need rank between 25 and 85%. Many of these potentials can be implemented at short term and low costs but are still not implemented.

Baseline assessment

In preparation of implementation, one needs to know the actual electricity situation in a country as far as necessary for understanding the motivation towards end-use energy efficiency. Besides electricity provision, this also includes further legal and political framework conditions, as follows:

  • Status of electricity market reform (liberalization, privatization etc.)
  • Production capacity, energy sources, electricity shortage
  • Import of electricity (in % of total electric power consumption) over the last years
  • Development of the national energy and especially electricity consumption over the last years
  • Any type of statistics showing the use of electricity and the share of lighting at power consumption (for example: households: x % lighting, y % hot water, z % heating/cooling; Industry: …Public sector: …), if available
  • Statistics on electric power consumption of the building sector divided into subsectors (residential buildings, commercial buildings, public buildings), if available
  • Metering systems and billing methods
  • Any statistics about share of electricity costs at operation costs in public buildings (hospitals, schools, administration)
  • Financial yearly deficit of energy provider; yearly financial support from the national government to energy provider
  • Main features of the tariff structure (e.g. to what extent are costs like operation costs, investment costs, debt service etc. covered? Any cross-subsidization of certain customer groups by other customer groups?
  • Past/ ongoing and planned Demand-Side Management (DSM) activities by energy provider and experiences?

Conclusions and recommendations

  • Motivation of stakeholders to save energy (national, municipal governments, energy provider, consumers from different sectors)
  • Main barriers to enhance the end-use energy efficiency mainly in households and the public sector
  • Estimation on scope of a lighting campaign (in consideration of the criteria of effectiveness and sustainability)


Basically, available data (secondary sources) from various sources in particular data published by official entities or projects shall be applied as far as possible. In case of lacking data, direct data collection (primary sources) should be considered (e.g. via interviews with key informants).


Key Words

Electricity market conditions
Legal framework
Political framework

The document provides information to the supply and demand side of electricity provision and to the legal and political framework conditions in Kosovo. It briefly describes the motivation and barriers of public and private stakeholders towards end-use energy efficiency.


Electricity market conditions
Legal framework
Political framework

The ToR describes the work tasks to conduct a brief baseline analysis of the supply and demand side of electricity provision, and the legal and political framework conditions in Kosovo.
