Tiyamike Club (Cookstove DB)

From energypedia
Revision as of 07:45, 5 July 2016 by ***** (***** | *****) (CSV import)

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Welcome to the communication platform of the Dutch-German partnership Energising Development. This website is the common interaction platform to improve our workflow efficiency. Therefore it is not open to the public. We wish to foster an active discussion and want to invite you to share your experiences, views and concerns regarding Energising Development.




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Establishment/Project Data

ID: 42579
Tiyamike Club
Type: Production centre (portable stoves)
Start: Year establishment started business 2013
Technology: unknown
ICS produced: 140 ICS sold: 72 Date: 2015-12-21
Employees (total): 0|.|,}} Female: 0|.|,}} Male: 0|.|,}}
Programme: Programme under which establishment is active FOCUS/ Self Help Africa/ Discover project


Cookstove default.png

Location Data

District: Karonga
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TA: Mwilangombe
GVH: Kaswera
Village: Mdoka
Road: Accessibilty/Road (Distance in KM to primary road) 6 km
District information
Area in sq. Km: 3,355 km²
Population: 365,028
Tree cover (%): 30 %


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