New Residential Buildings

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New Residential Buildings

Title of Document New Residential Buildings
Abstract The Strategic Approach follows a holistic design process with the premise of first implementing passive options for building design and then implementing the active options as need arises to provide thermal comfort. These systems then need to be controlled intelligently through automation and informed user behaviour to reach maximum optimization. In the short-term, the Easy-Efficiency Approach should be implemented at minimum. It focuses on low-cost options, mainly passive options. Improving energy efficiency by implementing the Easy-Efficiency Approach can reduce primary energy consumption for cooling, heating, ventilation and domestic hot water by 40 to 60 % to achieve a Low-Energy Building (LEB). Implementing the advanced approach can reduce primary energy consumption by up to 90 % to achieve an Ultra-Low- Energy Building (ULEB). Further improvements, especially through the use of renewable energy technologies can reduce the primary energy consumption by nearly 100 % or even beyond achieving (nearly) Zero-Energy Buildings (nZEB) to being net energy producer Plus-Energy Buildings (PEB).
File Download

English: Bigee txt 0043 bg strategic approach overview new residential.pdf

Original Source bigEE
Year 2013
Language(s) English
Document Type Information and Dissemination - Manuals
Sector Buildings

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