ToR for Malaysian Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Project

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ToR for Malaysian Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Project

Title of Document ToR for Malaysian Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Project
Abstract The purpose of the terminal evaluation (or Final Evaluation) of the Malaysia Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Project (MIEEIP) is to review and rate the performance of the project from the start of the project implementation up to the present. The review will include evaluating both the
  • progress in project implementation, measured against planned outputs set forth in the Project Document with latest revision in accordance with rational budget allocation, and
  • an assessment of the overall impact of the project to the country.

The evaluation will also identify lessons learned and best practices from the MIEEIP, which could be applied to future and other on-going projects.

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Original Source UNDP
Region/Country East Asia & The Pacific - Malaysia
Language(s) Chinese
Document Type Terms of Reference - Monitoring and Evaluation
Sector Multisector

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