Solar Energy in Humanitarian Settings
This articles provides a list of different tools and handbooks related to solar energy in humanitarian settings. Should you have resources to feature on this page, simply edit and add your resources here.
Solar Energy Handbook for Humanitarian Settings
This handbook is developed by KUBE Energy and will guide humanitarian organizations on how they can adopt solar energy in their operations. It includes different options for transitioning to solar energy, pros and cons of each options and the good practices for transiting to solar energy.
Solar AC Sizing Tool
This tool provides the feasibility assessment for the installation of solar powered air-conditioning (AC).
Toolbox on Solar Powered Irrigation
The Toolbox on Solar Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS) is designed to enable advisors, service providers and practitioners in the field of solar irrigation to provide broad hands-on guidance to end-users, policy-makers and financiers. Risks related to system efficiency, financial viability and the unsustainable use of water resources can thus be minimized. The Toolbox comprises informative modules supplemented with user-friendly software tools (calculations sheets, checklists, guidelines).
Operation and Maintenance Plan and Glossary for PV Systems
This document covers preventive maintenance, best use practices, and common malfunctions and defects experienced for the O&M of pico-solar PV systems, solar home systems (SHS) (including component-based SHS) and solar water pumps.
link: Operation and Maintenance Plan and Glossary for PV Systems
Procurement of Stand-alone Solar Kits for Humanitarian Aid
This Technical Note provides guidance on procuring pico-solar and solar home system (SHS) kits for humanitarian aid