Publication - Indicators to monitor and evaluate the sustainability of bioeconomy: Overview and a proposed way forward
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Indicators to monitor and evaluate the sustainability of bioeconomy: Overview and a proposed way forward
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Stefania Bracco, Almona Tani, Özgül Çalıcıoğlu, Marta Gomez San Juan and Anne Bogdanski
Published in
November 2019
The new technical report offers technical assistance to countries and stakeholders in monitoring and evaluating the sustainability of the bioeconomy through nine carefully explained steps.
The work builds on FAO’s Aspirational Principles and Criteria for Sustainable Bioeconomy, which were agreed upon by the International Working Group on Sustainable Bioeconomy in 2016.
The report reviews existing monitoring approaches to identify available indicators, both at the ‘territorial’ level (sub-national, national, regional and global levels) and the ‘product/value chain’ level. The review builds on major lists of indicators and data that are available, and on which countries/stakeholders may already be reporting, such as the SDG indicators and indicators used for standards, certificates, and labels.URL
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