Bolivia: Qollpana's Wind Farm

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In 2009, Qollpana was selected as an ideal place to implement Bolivia's first wind park. Qollpana is located in the municipality of Pocona, 122 km from Cochambamba city. Studies over three years concluded that Qollpana has excellent wind potential to set up a large-scale project.[1] [2]This wind farm was implemented by the National Electricity Company Bolivia (ENDE) Corani and had tecnichal assitance by GIZ.

Two Phases

The planning and construction of Qollpana's wind farm is divided in two phases: Qollpana 1 and 2.

Qollpana 1:

In 2011 ENDE Corani started the wind energy project with two turbines of 1.5 MW each. These turbines are licensed by the German company Vensys Energy AG; and marketed by the Chinese company Goldwind.

Qollpana 2:

In December 2014 the Bolivian government signed a contract to start the second phase of Qollpana's wind farm. A high voltage transmission line and eight turbines of 3 MW each have been installed in Qollpana to date. The Qollpana's power output is 24 MW (phase II). The German company ENERCON GmbH installed the turbines and monitors 24/7.

For more information (in Spanish), click here.

Further Information


  1. Atlas Eólico de Bolivia (IFC, Siglas en inglés). Un proyecto para la Corporación Financiera Internacional
  2. Mapa de potencial eólico en áreas protegidas y zonas de amortiguamiento del Chaco boliviano