ENSPOL Report on Context Profiles of EU MS Countries - Part III: Context Analysis of Countries with Existing/Planned EEOs

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ENSPOL Report on Context Profiles of EU MS Countries - Part III: Context Analysis of Countries with Existing/Planned EEOs

Title of Document ENSPOL Report on Context Profiles of EU MS Countries - Part III: Context Analysis of Countries with Existing/Planned EEOs
Abstract After analyzing new and existing Energy Efficiency Obligation (EEO) Schemes as proposed by all EU Member States (MS) that opt to comply with Article 7 energy saving requirements and exploring hurdles related to their adaptation or introduction (for more details please refer to Section 2.1.1 Existing EEO schemes and Section 2.1.1 Planned EEO), we analyze the general status quo of MS countries, evaluating the actual capability and readiness of countries to undertake such an Obligation Scheme.

The scope of the present report is to analyze the context profile of MS countries aiming to adopt or adapt an EEO based on secondary data from existing databases and stakeholder input for relevant indicators. Please note that countries, which have declared to rely entirely on alternatives, are also included since they have not ruled out and still consider the option of introducing an EEO in the future. The profile is linked to the general preparedness/capacity of each MS assessed with the help of contextual indicators. Challenges related to the different evaluation aspects, which call for attention, are identified.

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English: ENSPOL Report on Context Profiles of EU MS Countries - Part III: Context Analysis of Countries with Existing/Planned EEOs
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Original Source ENSPOL - Energy Saving Policies and Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes
Year 2015
Language(s) English
Document Type Training Material - http://enspol.eu/results

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