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Pages in category "Wind"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 574 total.
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- Capacity Building - Wind Energy
- Capacity Needs Diagnostics for Renewable Energies (CaDRE)
- Challenges and Issues Affecting the Exploitation of Renewable Energies in Ethiopia
- Challenges and Issues Affecting the Exploitation of Renewable Energies in Kenya
- Challenges and Issues Affecting the Exploitation of Renewable Energies in Tanzania
- Challenges and Issues Affecting the Exploitation of Renewable Energies in Uganda
- Chile - Chilean Economic Development Authority Credit Lines
- China - Capacity Building for the Rapid Commercialization of Renewable Energy
- China Wind Power Programme – Applied Research and Training
- Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Baseline-Assessments for Wind Energy Projects
- Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Wind Energy Projects in Brazil
- Country-specific Wind Energy Facts
- East Africa: Overview of Regional Energy Resources
- Ecological Aspects - Wind Energy
- Economic Analyses of Wind Energy Projects
- Economical Feasibility of Wind Energy Projects
- Employment, Qualification and Economic Effects - Energy Situation in Tunisia
- Energy Auctions in Brazil
- Energy for Agriculture
- Energy for All Initiative
- Energy Sources for Maintaining Battery Charging Systems (BCS)
- Eolien, hydroelectricite et autres sources denergie dans les systemes agroalimentaires
- Estimation of Wind Energy Production
- Evaluation Nexus Tunisie
Media in category "Wind"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 231 total.
(previous page) (next page)- 01 MEMER Khalfallah Régime autorisation.pdf 3,000 × 2,250, 25 pages; 0 bytes
- 02 MEMER Chiboub Procédures.pdf 3,000 × 2,250, 25 pages; 0 bytes
- 03 MEMER Khalfallah PPA.pdf 3,000 × 2,250, 11 pages; 0 bytes
- 04 GIZ Hamza FTI.pdf 3,000 × 2,250, 17 pages; 0 bytes
- 05 ANME ElKhazen FTE.pdf 3,000 × 1,687, 20 pages; 0 bytes
- 20190905 143702(0).jpg 3,096 × 4,128; 4.58 MB
- 28- Bangladesh's Electricity Generation by Wind 1990-2016 (IEA, 2018).PNG 959 × 494; 0 bytes
- 640px-South Point Wind Farm.jpg 640 × 480; 41 KB
- Airborne-energy-1.png 308 × 529; 162 KB
- Airborne-energy-2.png 308 × 529; 161 KB
- Airborne-wind-concept.mp4 ; 427 KB
- Airborne-wind-europe-animation.gif 990 × 714; 3.05 MB
- Airborne-wind-europe1.gif 990 × 715; 1.57 MB
- Airborne-wind-europe2.gif 990 × 715; 4.87 MB
- Airborne-wind-europe3.gif 990 × 715; 2.21 MB
- Anteile Erneuerbarer Energien am Primärenergieverbrauch.jpg 448 × 284; 21 KB
- Análisis Comparativo del Marco Eléctrico Legal y Regulatorio de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica y México .pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 63 pages; 1.45 MB
- Approval Process vor Independent Power Producers in Vietnam.jpg 744 × 391; 105 KB
- Areas with major project development activities in South africa.jpg 358 × 334; 140 KB
- Ariya Installed-wind-turbine-mod.jpg 600 × 812; 0 bytes
- Atlas do potencial eolico capa.png 564 × 513; 315 KB
- Aufstellungszahlen im Zeitraum 1990 bis 1995.jpg 448 × 290; 17 KB
- Banco de Dados de Vento no Brasil.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 64 pages; 0 bytes
- Bonus-Regelung für Repowering.jpg 448 × 299; 21 KB
- Brazilian teachers at a wind power training in North Germany.jpg 1,181 × 664; 202 KB
- Calculation of emission reductions2.jpg 466 × 43; 28 KB
- Calculation returns electricity sale .jpg 406 × 72; 24 KB
- Capital asset pricing model.jpg 470 × 200; 69 KB
- CAR DOC PRO.JPG 638 × 781; 0 bytes
- CDM baseline scenarios for jordanian wind project.jpg 273 × 122; 44 KB
- CDM project cycle Kopie.jpg 503 × 207; 90 KB
- CDM project cycle.JPG 527 × 397; 47 KB
- CDM-baseline-calculations-CERs-Project-jordania.jpg 347 × 55; 40 KB
- CDMprojecttypesinBrazil 01072010.gif 407 × 222; 10 KB
- CER a byproduct.JPG 540 × 389; 42 KB
- Characteristics of Jordanian Power stations.jpg 468 × 157; 119 KB
- China Capacity Building for the Rapid Commercialization of Renewable Energy.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 9 pages; 354 KB
- Co2 emissions example.JPG 487 × 45; 16 KB
- CO2-certificate price development at the EEX.jpg 695 × 447; 172 KB
- Coleta de Dados de Vento Brasil II.pdf 2,479 × 3,508, 15 pages; 0 bytes
- Coleta de dados de vento estrategicamente distribuídos pelo território nacional.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 15 pages; 565 KB
- Consistência e Exploratória de Dados Meteorológicos.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 38 pages; 0 bytes
- Constraints to firm investment in Peru 2006.jpg 743 × 400; 86 KB
- Construction of cdm baseline1.jpg 344 × 38; 35 KB
- Cooperação na área de Energia Eólica.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 2 pages; 210 KB
- Cost of turbines related to hub height.jpg 526 × 277; 79 KB
- Cost Trends of Renewable Energy Technologies for the Power Generation.pdf 2,479 × 3,508, 10 pages; 1.83 MB
- Dados de Vento Brasil.pdf 2,479 × 3,508, 41 pages; 0 bytes
- Descrição e caraterização dos fenômenos atmosféricos mais frequentes no território brasileiro.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 82 pages; 8.64 MB
- Development of a Wind Index Concept for Brazil.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 56 pages; 8.74 MB
- Directly Coupled Synchronous Generator with Variable Gear Box.jpg 486 × 187; 39 KB
- Diseno-Qollpana-PEERR.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 2 pages; 0 bytes
- Documentos Wind Energy in Peru 0be5ef73.pdf 2,479 × 3,508, 25 pages; 1,020 KB
- Doubly-fed induction generator.jpg 501 × 242; 41 KB
- Earthing networks for wind turbines Kopie.jpg 525 × 189; 32 KB
- EDF Texas Report to Legislators 2017 FINAL v2.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 21 pages; 486 KB
- Egypt Wind Power Development Project E&FA.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 152 pages; 14.37 MB
- Egyptian Wind-Energy Generation (IEA, 2017).PNG 1,065 × 354; 0 bytes
- Elementos para la Promoción de la Energía Eólica en México.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 149 pages; 1.87 MB
- EN Distribution of Wind and Solar Energy Resources in Tanzania and Mozambique LINUS HAMMAR.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 12 pages; 1.06 MB
- Energy policy framework for renewable energy and electricity market in Jordan.pdf 2,479 × 3,508, 22 pages; 1.15 MB
- Ensino e Qualificação Energia Eólica no Brasil.pdf 2,479 × 3,508, 25 pages; 0 bytes
- Entwicklung der weltweit installierten Windleistung.jpg 647 × 346; 26 KB
- Environmental Assessments Wind Parks Chile.jpg 557 × 689; 217 KB
- Equation ex.JPG 586 × 57; 14 KB
- Fact CPERV.JPG 587 × 829; 0 bytes
- FG-3-2 AdobeExpress.gif 330 × 238; 286 KB
- FIRR ROE calculation.jpg 680 × 85; 29 KB
- Fixed speed induction generator.jpg 564 × 208; 38 KB
- Flow chart wind project.jpg 441 × 643; 62 KB
- Fly-gen.jpg 3,961 × 2,861; 352 KB
- Formula flicker.JPG 153 × 39; 9 KB
- Formula harmonic order h harmonic source i.JPG 221 × 53; 9 KB
- Frequency distribution of wind speed.JPG 692 × 285; 0 bytes
- Generator with Fully Rated Converter and direct drive.jpg 473 × 178; 35 KB
- Generator with Fully Rated Converter Kopie.jpg 489 × 210; 43 KB
- GG-3-2 AdobeExpress.gif 330 × 238; 1.11 MB
- GlobalWindPowerCumulativeCapacity.png 727 × 432; 21 KB
- Groessenentwicklung von Windenergieanlagen.jpg 737 × 396; 34 KB
- Ground-gen.jpg 3,961 × 2,861; 643 KB
- Großer bruder wind.JPG 457 × 639; 86 KB
- Gua 22- Guatemalan Wind-Generated Electricity 1990-2016 (IEA, 2018).PNG 1,485 × 497; 0 bytes
- Guia para Evaluacion Ambiental Proyectos Eolicos GTZ.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 89 pages; 4.14 MB
- Handbook for Financial and Development Professionals Draft.pdf 2,479 × 3,508, 151 pages; 1.26 MB
- Indian-Renewable-Energy-Status-Report.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 139 pages; 8.1 MB
- Induction Generator with Variable Rotor Resistance.jpg 570 × 242; 47 KB
- Infoblatt 4E Ausbildung von Windanlagentechnikern.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 2 pages; 2.76 MB
- Infosheet Ausbildung von Windanlagentechnikern in Brasilien.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 2 pages; 234 KB
- Installed wind farms in Argentina.jpg 738 × 440; 120 KB
- Installierte Windleistung in der EU und weltweit.jpg 558 × 287; 20 KB
- Itemized Investment Cost of and Ethiopian Wind project.jpg 699 × 462; 433 KB
- J-Energia-NuevosEolicos.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 2 pages; 0 bytes
- Kitemill.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 1.29 MB
- Land rezoning and sub-division sequencing example.JPG 647 × 675; 56 KB
- Layout-example for the Ashegoda wind park in Ethiopia.jpg 704 × 475; 535 KB
- List of wind power projects in operation in South africa.jpg 737 × 168; 65 KB
- Logo Airborne Wind Europe.jpg 1,521 × 353; 695 KB
- M&E cartoon.JPG 278 × 284; 26 KB
- Map of Brasil (terrain).jpg 275 × 300; 90 KB
- Map of Egypt.jpg 360 × 353; 121 KB
- Map of Panama (terrain).jpg 561 × 308; 123 KB
- Map of Peru.jpg 274 × 297; 77 KB
- Map of Senegal.jpg 363 × 365; 103 KB
- Map of the carribean.jpg 557 × 298; 107 KB
- Map of Vietnam.jpg 362 × 495; 147 KB
- Map or South Africa.jpg 358 × 361; 97 KB
- Materialzusammensetzung je kW installierte Leistung.jpg 737 × 340; 33 KB
- Metodologia para Elaboração de um Novo Atlas Eólico para o Brasil.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 43 pages; 18.66 MB
- MEXCS WindDevelopment.png 753 × 450; 28 KB
- Mexico Renewable Energy in Agriculture Project.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 6 pages; 309 KB
- Model aggregation.JPG 374 × 518; 20 KB
- Modelagem Estocástica da Geração Eólica no Brasil.pdf 2,479 × 3,508, 52 pages; 0 bytes
- Modelo para Seleção de Estações Meteorológicas no Brasil (2010).pdf 2,479 × 3,508, 26 pages; 0 bytes
- Namibia Power Purchase Agreement for Medium Scale Wind Power Projects.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 46 pages; 1.78 MB
- O&M Costs for Mesobo Harena wind park Enercon E48 Scenario.jpg 695 × 300; 118 KB
- Orographic map of ashegoda.jpg 456 × 304; 227 KB
- Outage wind park example.JPG 608 × 442; 53 KB
- Overview of the Wind Power Development Process.PNG 570 × 384; 0 bytes
- Overview Wind generator concepts.jpg 531 × 297; 72 KB
- P2110007 2.jpeg 570 × 630; 61 KB
- PEERR-Manual-Capacitacion-altura.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 41 pages; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-1.jpg 724 × 1,086; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-10.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-11.jpg 1,182 × 665; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-12.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-13.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-14.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-15.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-16.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-17.jpg 724 × 1,086; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-18.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-19.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-2.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-20.jpg 724 × 1,086; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-21.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-22.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-23.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-24.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-25.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-27.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-28.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-3.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-4.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-5.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-6.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-7.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-8.jpg 1,086 × 724; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Q-9.jpg 724 × 1,086; 0 bytes
- PEERR-Qollpana-2.jpg 1,179 × 783; 0 bytes
- PEERRII QOLL 01.JPG 4,288 × 2,848; 0 bytes
- PEERRII QOLL 02.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 0 bytes
- PEERRIIQollpana.jpg 1,280 × 720; 0 bytes
- Policy advisory services output results example RSA.JPG 486 × 308; 53 KB
- Policy advisory services output results.JPG 817 × 525; 119 KB
- Potencia de Exportacion de Energia Eolica en Mexico.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 46 pages; 580 KB
- Power curves for wind turbines proposed Ethiopian wind project.jpg 650 × 406; 124 KB
- Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Power Distribution Company of Andhra Pradesh Limited.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 10 pages; 180 KB
- Principle scheme of a radial concept.jpg 471 × 324; 47 KB
- Principle scheme of a ring concept Kopie.jpg 469 × 340; 70 KB
- PRO20211.pdf 2,539 × 3,307, 58 pages; 0 bytes
- Probability of exceedance for Ashegoda wind park.jpg 442 × 325; 107 KB
- Procedure to set up a wind power IPP.jpg 360 × 315; 80 KB
- Projection for wind energy development in Pakistan.jpg 359 × 347; 70 KB
- Pronosticos eolico FV LATM.pdf 2,539 × 3,307, 58 pages; 0 bytes
- Prospects for Electricity Generation from Wind Potential of Zamala in Cameroon.pdf 3,508 × 2,479, 13 pages; 0 bytes
- PTB project Brazil 95095 EN.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 2 pages; 0 bytes
- PTB project Brazil 95095 POR.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 2 pages; 0 bytes
- PV curves for wind-Farm coshi.JPG 712 × 499; 59 KB
- PV curves for wind-Farm.JPG 712 × 500; 59 KB
- Renewable Energy Data Book 2009 (Nepal).pdf 3,508 × 2,479, 118 pages; 13.45 MB
- Renewable Energy Supply to Rural Areas in Afghanistan.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 20 pages; 188 KB
- Repowering-vorher-nacher.jpg 448 × 335; 18 KB
- Repowering.jpg 427 × 286; 18 KB
- Results of scenario analysis for Ethiopian wind park project.jpg 693 × 349; 129 KB
- Resumo do Projeto Implementação do Centro de Treinamento Eólico (CTEO).pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 5 pages; 246 KB
- Rotary-wind.jpg 3,961 × 2,861; 436 KB
- Roughness Description of Ashegoda wind park site.jpg 448 × 441; 142 KB
- RS-3 AdobeExpress.gif 330 × 238; 358 KB
- Rural Electrification wind Solar Senegal INENSUS-PERACOD Project Factsheet.pdf 2,468 × 3,507, 4 pages; 1.64 MB
- Schematic EIA process Wind.JPG 658 × 372; 55 KB
- Short circuit currents.JPG 697 × 493; 76 KB
- Simulação CTEO.jpg 2,000 × 1,500; 2.19 MB
- SkySailsPower on Mauritius.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 422 KB
- Solar panels with wind turbines.jpg 5,759 × 2,952; 11.94 MB
- South Africa wind Map.jpg 638 × 478; 0 bytes
- South Africa wind potential.jpg 754 × 555; 0 bytes
- Specific investment costs for selected turbine types.jpg 508 × 134; 98 KB
- Sri Lanka Draft Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for Wind Power.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 26 pages; 420 KB
- Sri Lanka RE Program.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 14 pages; 141 KB
- Structure of earthing cables.jpg 334 × 204; 36 KB
- Technology Management & Innovation.pdf 3,000 × 2,250, 29 pages; 0 bytes
- Terminal Tower connected to substation earthmat.jpg 602 × 340; 67 KB
- TERNA country study image.jpg 289 × 404; 15 KB
- Three-dimensional digital elevation model of Ashegoda site.jpg 459 × 292; 62 KB