Cooking Energy in Humanitarian Settings
This articles provides a list of different tools/handbooks/webinars related to clean cooking in humanitarian settings. Should you have resources to feature on this page, simply edit and add your resources here
Webinar on All Relevant Cooking Systems in a Word
This webinar briefly introduces different cooking energy systems such as processed biomass, firewood, e-cooking, LPG, ethanol and biogas.
Pre-assessment checklist for cooking energy interventions:
This document provides a checklist for the cooking energy intervention program. The checklist is designed to be implemented before the design and implementation of the program.
Fuel Analysis, Comparison & Integration Tool (FACIT)
This tool from Clean Cooking Alliance provides interactive access to data and information generated from a comparative analysis conducted 2015-2016.
Toolkit: Fuel Efficient Stove Programs in Humanitarian Settings
This toolkit provides a step-by-step process of assessment, planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of a cooking activity.
Handbook: Assessing woodfuel supply and demand in displacement settings
This handbook provides guidelines for establishing a baseline for planning, monitoring and evaluating cooking energ interventions.