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{{back button|Webinar Series: Statuesque and Market Potential of Off-grid Renewables in Mozambique |Voltar ao Webinar sobre Energias Renováveis  }}
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='''Webinar: Solar Irrigation Systems in Mozambique - Deep Dive with Experts'''=
='''Webinar: Solar Irrigation Systems (SPIS) in Mozambique - Deep Dive with Experts'''=
[[File:Solar Pumping.JPG|right|432x432px|alt=|Photo credit: Youssouf Diallo, Practica Foundation]]
[[File:Solar Pumping.JPG|right|432x432px|alt=|Photo credit: Youssouf Diallo, Practica Foundation]]
Helena Macune - AMER
Helena Macune - AMER
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Ricardo Pereira - AMER
Ricardo Pereira - AMER
Berry Van Del Pol - Pratica Foundation
Berry Van Del Pol - Pratica Foundation
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Killan Blumrnthal – Giz Kenya
Killan Blumrnthal – Giz Kenya
===Cenário Modelo para a Irrigação Solar em Moçambique===
===Business Model for SPIS===
*[[Cenário Modelo para a Irrigação Solar em Moçambique]]
*[[Business Viability Scenario for Solar Powered Irrigation in Mozambique]]
*[[Business Viability Scenario for Solar Powered Irrigation in Mozambique]] (inglês)
===Painel de discussão===
===Panel Discussion===
'''Aqui estão todas as perguntas que foram feitas durante o painel de discussão'''
'''Here are all the questions that were asked during the panel discussion'''
======1. Quais são as coisas a serem consideradas durante a preparação da directriz para SPIS para pequenos agricultores?======
======1. What are the things to be considered while planning a SPIS for smallholder farmers?======
Segundo Killian antes de desenvolver um SPIS deve se fazer um estudo prévio, para saber quem fornece, a quem o sistema é endereçado, e quais ferramentas (componentes) a serem usadas.
Before developing a SPIS system, a rigorous study study should be done to understand who is providing the system, the targeted beneficiaries and what components will be used.  
======2. Como gerir o bombeamento excessivo de um sistema solar?======
======2. How to prevent overpumping using a SPIS ?======
Segundo Killian muita das vezes o problema não é do sistema, mas sim do dimensionamento do mesmo não estar correcto, nesse sentido, ele propõe que se tenha em consideração os seguintes aspectos:
Many times the problem is not with the system, but with proper sizing of the system. To prevent overpumping, following system is needed:
*Exigências necessárias para o cultivo da cultura pretendida;
* Crop water requirement;
*O clima da região;
* The climate of the region;
*Estrutura do solo a irrigar;
* The structure of the soil to be irrigated;
*Especificações do nível e desnível da fonte de água; e
* Specifications of the level and gradient of the water source; and
*Em que momento durante o dia será usado o sistema de irrigação.
* At what time during the day the irrigation system will be used.
O Killian afirma que seguindo as descrições acima é possível ter o tamanho ideal da bomba para o SPIS. O Berry acrescentou ainda quando o SPIS é para uma pessoa individual é mais fácil de usar correctamente duque em conjunto.
By collecting the above data it is possible to get the optimal pump size for SPIS. Also, when a SPIS is designed for an individual person it is easier to properly size it.
======3. Com que facilidade os pequenos agricultores operam e mantêm um sistema de irrigação solar? Eles exigem treinamentos? Quais foram suas experiências até agora?======
======3. How easily can smallholder farmers operate and maintain a SPIS? Do they require training? What have been your experiences so far?======
Segundo Berry é fácil manejar os sistemas de irrigação (bombeamento de superfície) para os agricultores porque é só ligar e desligar o botão, agora quanto as outras formas de bombeamento de água é difícil pois as empresas que oferecem produtos para sistemas de irrigação demoram dar aos agricultores as instruções de como usar os equipamentos.
It is easy to manage irrigation systems (surface pumps) for farmers because it is just turning the button on and off, for other forms of water pumping it is difficult as the companies that offers SPIS do not take time to give farmers the instructions on how to use the equipment. For eg, from Berry's research, only 40% of the companies that sell irrigation systems gave instructions on how to use the equipment and 60% did not, which ends up making life difficult for the farmer.
No projecto 2021 o Berry descreve que só 40% das empresas que vendem sistemas de irrigação é que deram as instruções de como usar os equipamentos e 60% não, o que acaba dificultando a vida do agricultor.
======4. What are the main components that an O&M manual should contain?======
The manual should include:
======4. Quais são os principais componentes que um manual de O&M deve conter?======
- How the system works,
Segundo Killian é importante ter no manual:
-       Como funciona o sistema,
- What are the individual system components
-       Qual é a composição do sistema,
- What are the things farmers should do and not do in case the system malfunctions,
-       Quais são as coisas que os agricultores devem fazer e não fazer no caso de mal funcionamento do sistema,  
- How to set up the system,
-       Como montar o sistema,
- Contacts for maintenance companies, and
-       O manual deve conter contactos de empresas para manutenção, e
- Ensure that the maintenance of the system is done by certified companies.
-       Garantir que a manutenção do sistema seja feita por empresas certificadas.
======5. How important is it to clean the panels? What are the recommendations?======
Dirt reduces the efficiency of the panel and degrades the components quickly when exposed, which will impair the performance of the pump, in this sense it is important to clean the panel with a dry or damp cloth and also control the box that contains the charge controllers, inverter, among other components so as not to leave them exposed to dirt/dust and it is important to keep these components in a closed place.
======5. O quão é importante limpar os painéis? Quais são as recomendações?======
======7. How do subsidies work for solar systems in Kenya?======
Segundo Killian a sujidade reduz a eficiência do painel e degrada rapidamente os componentes quando expostos, o que irá prejudicar o rendimento da bomba, nesse sentido, é importante limpar o painel com um pano seco ou húmido e também controlar o a caixa que contém os controladores de carga, inversor, entre outros componentes de modo a não deixar os mesmos expostos a sujidade/ poeira e é importante manter esses componentes em um lugar fechado.
In Kenya there are still many difficulties regarding subsidies for solar systems because the government has many limitations regarding financing for these projects. The banks also charge very high rates. But there are asset financing mechanisms where you sell the system with a 20% down payment and then pay the rest in installments.  
======6. Problemas com a caixa do controlador, pois são deixadas em ambiente aberto e exposto – poeira/insectos. Como você lida com tais problemas?======
======8. What kind of knowledge do companies need to have to supply the solar irrigation systems on the market?======
Segundo Killian, onde colocamos o sistema está directamente ligada com a protecção da caixa do controlador, pois se estiverem expostos ao sol, chuva ou vento a degradação será rápida e vice-versa.
First of all, they must know the market they are in, who they are selling the system to, what is the purpose of the pumps and if there is an after-sales service including installation and maintenance. The company must be structured to not only sell, but to provide all the services during pre and post-sale of these systems. It is also necessary to know what area the market is in and have a target area where these pumps will be sold.
======7. Como funcionam os subsídios para os sistemas solares em Quénia?======
It is necessary to have technical knowledge about the systems, although the manufacturers already have this information in advance, however the companies should have this information so that in cases of doubt the farmers can be enlightened regarding the operation of the pumps. Have the ability to recognize that the supply is not only of the system but of a service.
Segundo Killian em Quénia ainda há muitas dificuldades quanto aos subsídios para Sistemas solares pois o governo tem muita limitação no que diz respeito ao financiamento para esses projectos, agora os bancos também cobram taxas altíssimas. Mas existem mecanismos de financiamento adaptados em que vende-se o sistema com pagamento adiantado em 20% e depois paga o restante em parcelas.  
======8. Que tipo de conhecimento as empresas precisam ter para fornecerem os sistemas de irrigação solar no mercado?======
======9. Which are the local companies that sell solar irrigation systems in Mozambique?======
Segundo Berry, primeiro antes de mais nada deve se conhecer o mercado em que estão, pra quem estão a vender o sistema, qual é a finalidade das bombas, porque há um serviço pós-venda, instalação e manutenção. Portanto, a empresa deve estar estruturada para não so vender, mas fornecer todo o serviço, tanto pré quanto pós-venda destes sistemas. Também é necessário saber em que área está o mercado, em que zona está o mercado e ter uma zona alvo onde estas bombas serão vendidas.
This information can be found on energypedia: [[Solar Powered Irrigation in Mozambique : Market Landscape]]
É necessário ter conhecimentos técnicos sobre os sistemas, embora os fabricantes já tenham esta informação de forma prévia, contudo as empresas devem ter esta informação para que em casos de dúvidas os agricultores possam ser esclarecidos no que concerne a operação das bombas. Ter a capacidade de reconhecer que o fornecimento não é só do sistema mas de um serviço.
======10. How do the subsidy payments for solar irrigation systems work, and do you have any success stories?======
In Kenya, there is no fund for subsidizing solar irrigation systems yet, so there is no way of saying if there is any success story in this regard. For the suppliers, there are a few companies here in Kenya that work with the solar irrigation system, and one of the famous ones called SUNCULTURE. The limitation in the ability to finance the systems for the agricultural sector, is due to risk aversion, both for suppliers as well as Banks and the Government. Asset financing is one of the popular options for financing solar irrigation systems.
======9. Quais são as empresas locais que vendem sistemas de irrigação solar em Moçambique?======
======11. Do you believe that solar systems can help in food security and poverty eradication? To what extent can the systems be exploited in agribusiness development? If yes, what are the possible challenges?======
Esta informação pode ser encontrada na página da EnergyPedia sobre o mercado dos sistemas de irrigação solar. Neste link: [[Irrigação com Energia Solar em Moçambique : Panorama do Mercado#Invent.C3.A1rio do Sector Privado|Irrigação com Energia Solar em Moçambique: Panorama do Mercado#Invent.C3.A1rio do Sector Privado]]
Yes, they can be a solution, but you have to be honest about when they are feasible and when they are not, when to use them and when not to use them, because although they are an answer they are not a solution for everything. This is necessary to avoid discontent and grief, having a clear difference of pumps to use, for example the diesel pumps are used at the time you need to irrigate 2 hectares, but the solar system pumps work as the sun provides energy, so it is not just a matter of switching on and off as the diesel pumps, and often the solar pumps work well in combination with other technologies.
======10. Como funcionam os subsídios para os pagamentos de sistemas de irrigação solar, e se tem alguma história de sucesso?======
At various times solar pumps are much better, and at a depth of 7 to 10 m where there is a lot of water, the effort that a Diesel pump makes is much greater than the effort that a solar pump makes, so it is almost ideal to use a system of irrigation pumps, the so-called submersible pumps, when you are extracting water from a certain depth.
Killian responde dizendo que, no Quénia não há um fundo para o subsídio de sistemas de irrigação solar ainda, por isso não tenho como dizer se existe alguma história de sucesso nesta vertente. Para os fornecedores, existe aqui no Quénia, algumas empresas que trabalham com o sistema de irrigação solar, e uma das famosas chamada SUNCULTURE. A limitação na capacidade de financiar os sistemas para o sector agrícola, é devido a aversão de riscos, tanto para os fornecedores tanto para os Bancos e o Governo. O financiamento de activos é uma das opções populares para o financiamento de sistemas de irrigação solar.
======11. Você acredita que os sistemas solares são a solução para agricultura, e podem ajudar na segurança alimentar e erradicação da pobreza? Até que ponto os sistemas podem ser explorados no desenvolvimento do Agro-negócios? Se Sim, quais são então os possíveis desafios?======
They are an answer, they can be used in the quest to decrease poverty levels, but they have to be used honestly and in the right context, and not simply as a solution for everything and everyone.
Berry: Sim, podem ser uma solução, contudo a que ser honesto quando são viáveis e quando não são, quando usar e quando não usar, porque apesar de serem uma resposta não são uma solução para tudo. Tudo isto e necessário para evitar descontentamentos e desgostos, tendo uma diferença clara das bombas a usar, por exemplo as bombas a Diesel são usadas no momento em que se precisa para irrigar 2 hectares, mas as bombas de sistemas solares funcionam a medida que o sol vai disponibilizando energia, portanto não e uma questão so de ligar e desligar como as bombas a Diesel, e muitas vezes as bombas solares funcionam bem em combinação com outras tecnologias.  
Em vários momentos as bombas solares são bem melhores, e em uma profundidade entre 7 a 10 m onde existe bastante água, o esforço que uma bomba a Diesel faz é muito maior que o esforço que uma bomba solar faz, portanto é quase ideal usar um sistema de irrigação das bombas, as chamadas bombas submersíveis, quando se esta a extrair água de uma certa profundidade.
======12. Final Considerations======
Berry: For me the acquisition costs of pumps is still expensive, especially in Mozambique where I have experience in. Since, the costs of pumps are high compared to Kenya, without a financial solution, this situation will not improved. Like in Kenya the PAYGO system, although it has not arrived here in Mozambique for the irrigation systems, can make the systems affordable. In Mozambique we (Pratica Foundation) have been working with GIZ to make this possible, and for more information you can find the expression of interest for grants for companies on energypedia)
São sim uma resposta, podem ser usadas na procura de diminuir os níveis de pobreza, mas tem que ser usadas de maneira honesta e no contexto certo, e não simplesmente como uma solução para tudo e para todos.  
Killian: We talk a lot about irrigation systems in the agricultural sector, taking into account climate change, and in this sense solar irrigation systems are more sustainable, innovative, and so companies need to see that despite the competition between companies, the costs are high, there should be some kind of subsidy to reduce costs. Also look at the sizing of the system, the verification of the amount of water available at the source, the financing problems, field policy problems, and so on, the companies that provide the systems should also provide the after-sales services in this sector, and see if with these factors it will be possible to eliminate these barriers with respect to irrigation based on solar systems, making the technology affordable or vice versa.
======12. Considerações Finais======
As for the challenges and efforts made to promote solar irrigation systems, the panelists recommended that although at various times solar pumps are ideas for irrigation systems, it is necessary for the entities/individuals providing solar products and services to be honest about when solar pumps are feasible and when they are not feasible for a given project.
Berry: Para mim os custos de aquisição das bombas ainda é caro, especialmente em Moçambique aonde tenho experiencia, pois os custos das bombas são elevados comparativamente a Quénia, como os custos de importação e etc., e sem uma solução financeira, essa situação não será ultrapassada, as taxas praticadas devem ser normais, porque é necessário um fundo de subsídio, empréstimo. Como no Quénia o sistema PAYGO, embora não tenha chegado aqui em Moçambique para os sistemas de irrigação, por ser acessível, ajudam a vida dos agricultores. E em Moçambique temos trabalhado (Pratica Foundation) com a GIZ com o intuito de tornar isto possível, e para mais informações pode-se encontrar a manifestação de interesse de subsídios para as empresas na página da Energypedia.  
Killian: Falamos bastante dos sistemas de irrigação no sector agrícola, tendo em conta as mudanças climáticas, e nesta senda os sistemas de irrigação solar são mais sustentáveis, inovadores, e por isso as empresas precisam ver que apesar da competição entre as empresas, os custos são altos, deve existir uma espécie de subsídio para a redução dos custos. Olhar também para o dimensionamento do sistema, a verificação da quantidade de água disponível na fonte, os problemas de financiamento, problemas de políticas de campo, e etc., as empresas que fornecem os sistemas devem fornecer também os serviços pós-venda neste sector, e verificar se com estes factores será possível eliminar estas barreiras com relação a irrigação a base dos sistemas solares, tornado a tecnologia acessível ou vice-versa.
Participant Carmen Mariado (Mozambican) shared during the webinar, that through the private finance advisory network it is possible to get free training and investment facilitation, especially for Renewable Energy projects.
Quanto aos desafios e esforços feitos para promoção dos sistemas solares para irrigação, os painelistas recomendam que apesar em vários momentos as bombas solares serem ideias para os sistemas de irrigação, é necessário que as entidades/indivíduos que fornecem produtos e serviços de sistemas solares sejam honestos quando as bombas solares são viáveis e quando não são viáveis para um determinado projecto.
A participante '''Carmen Mariado''' (Moçambicana) partilhou durante o webinar, que através da rede de aconselhamento ao financiamento privado é possível obter treinamento gratuíto e facilitação de investimento, sobretudo dos projectos de Energias Renováveis.
Para mais informações o seu contacto é: Cmariado@verdeazul.co.mz
For more information her contact information is: Cmariado@verdeazul.co.mz

Revision as of 13:59, 27 May 2022

Webinar: Solar Irrigation Systems (SPIS) in Mozambique - Deep Dive with Experts


Helena Macune - AMER

Ricardo Pereira - AMER


Berry Van Del Pol - Pratica Foundation

Killan Blumrnthal – Giz Kenya

Business Model for SPIS

Panel Discussion

Here are all the questions that were asked during the panel discussion

1. What are the things to be considered while planning a SPIS for smallholder farmers?

Before developing a SPIS system, a rigorous study study should be done to understand who is providing the system, the targeted beneficiaries and what components will be used.

2. How to prevent overpumping using a SPIS ?

Many times the problem is not with the system, but with proper sizing of the system. To prevent overpumping, following system is needed:

  • Crop water requirement;
  • The climate of the region;
  • The structure of the soil to be irrigated;
  • Specifications of the level and gradient of the water source; and
  • At what time during the day the irrigation system will be used.

By collecting the above data it is possible to get the optimal pump size for SPIS. Also, when a SPIS is designed for an individual person it is easier to properly size it.

3. How easily can smallholder farmers operate and maintain a SPIS? Do they require training? What have been your experiences so far?

It is easy to manage irrigation systems (surface pumps) for farmers because it is just turning the button on and off, for other forms of water pumping it is difficult as the companies that offers SPIS do not take time to give farmers the instructions on how to use the equipment. For eg, from Berry's research, only 40% of the companies that sell irrigation systems gave instructions on how to use the equipment and 60% did not, which ends up making life difficult for the farmer.

4. What are the main components that an O&M manual should contain?

The manual should include:

- How the system works,

- What are the individual system components

- What are the things farmers should do and not do in case the system malfunctions,

- How to set up the system,

- Contacts for maintenance companies, and

- Ensure that the maintenance of the system is done by certified companies.

5. How important is it to clean the panels? What are the recommendations?

Dirt reduces the efficiency of the panel and degrades the components quickly when exposed, which will impair the performance of the pump, in this sense it is important to clean the panel with a dry or damp cloth and also control the box that contains the charge controllers, inverter, among other components so as not to leave them exposed to dirt/dust and it is important to keep these components in a closed place.

7. How do subsidies work for solar systems in Kenya?

In Kenya there are still many difficulties regarding subsidies for solar systems because the government has many limitations regarding financing for these projects. The banks also charge very high rates. But there are asset financing mechanisms where you sell the system with a 20% down payment and then pay the rest in installments.

8. What kind of knowledge do companies need to have to supply the solar irrigation systems on the market?

First of all, they must know the market they are in, who they are selling the system to, what is the purpose of the pumps and if there is an after-sales service including installation and maintenance. The company must be structured to not only sell, but to provide all the services during pre and post-sale of these systems. It is also necessary to know what area the market is in and have a target area where these pumps will be sold.

It is necessary to have technical knowledge about the systems, although the manufacturers already have this information in advance, however the companies should have this information so that in cases of doubt the farmers can be enlightened regarding the operation of the pumps. Have the ability to recognize that the supply is not only of the system but of a service.

9. Which are the local companies that sell solar irrigation systems in Mozambique?

This information can be found on energypedia: Solar Powered Irrigation in Mozambique : Market Landscape

10. How do the subsidy payments for solar irrigation systems work, and do you have any success stories?

In Kenya, there is no fund for subsidizing solar irrigation systems yet, so there is no way of saying if there is any success story in this regard. For the suppliers, there are a few companies here in Kenya that work with the solar irrigation system, and one of the famous ones called SUNCULTURE. The limitation in the ability to finance the systems for the agricultural sector, is due to risk aversion, both for suppliers as well as Banks and the Government. Asset financing is one of the popular options for financing solar irrigation systems.

11. Do you believe that solar systems can help in food security and poverty eradication? To what extent can the systems be exploited in agribusiness development? If yes, what are the possible challenges?

Yes, they can be a solution, but you have to be honest about when they are feasible and when they are not, when to use them and when not to use them, because although they are an answer they are not a solution for everything. This is necessary to avoid discontent and grief, having a clear difference of pumps to use, for example the diesel pumps are used at the time you need to irrigate 2 hectares, but the solar system pumps work as the sun provides energy, so it is not just a matter of switching on and off as the diesel pumps, and often the solar pumps work well in combination with other technologies.

At various times solar pumps are much better, and at a depth of 7 to 10 m where there is a lot of water, the effort that a Diesel pump makes is much greater than the effort that a solar pump makes, so it is almost ideal to use a system of irrigation pumps, the so-called submersible pumps, when you are extracting water from a certain depth.

They are an answer, they can be used in the quest to decrease poverty levels, but they have to be used honestly and in the right context, and not simply as a solution for everything and everyone.

12. Final Considerations

Berry: For me the acquisition costs of pumps is still expensive, especially in Mozambique where I have experience in. Since, the costs of pumps are high compared to Kenya, without a financial solution, this situation will not improved. Like in Kenya the PAYGO system, although it has not arrived here in Mozambique for the irrigation systems, can make the systems affordable. In Mozambique we (Pratica Foundation) have been working with GIZ to make this possible, and for more information you can find the expression of interest for grants for companies on energypedia)

Killian: We talk a lot about irrigation systems in the agricultural sector, taking into account climate change, and in this sense solar irrigation systems are more sustainable, innovative, and so companies need to see that despite the competition between companies, the costs are high, there should be some kind of subsidy to reduce costs. Also look at the sizing of the system, the verification of the amount of water available at the source, the financing problems, field policy problems, and so on, the companies that provide the systems should also provide the after-sales services in this sector, and see if with these factors it will be possible to eliminate these barriers with respect to irrigation based on solar systems, making the technology affordable or vice versa.

As for the challenges and efforts made to promote solar irrigation systems, the panelists recommended that although at various times solar pumps are ideas for irrigation systems, it is necessary for the entities/individuals providing solar products and services to be honest about when solar pumps are feasible and when they are not feasible for a given project.

Participant Carmen Mariado (Mozambican) shared during the webinar, that through the private finance advisory network it is possible to get free training and investment facilitation, especially for Renewable Energy projects.

For more information her contact information is: Cmariado@verdeazul.co.mz