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== Capacity building measures <br> ==
for instance:
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= Overview<br/> =
*'''Capacity building '''aims to enhance the abilities of organisations, institutions and people to tackle development challenges. This implies that donor organizations do not solve development challenges (alone) but rather support their partners while providing trainings, workshops, on-ther-job assistance and advisory services<ref>cp. e.g. Internationale Politik, Frieden und Entwicklung (n.D.): Glossar: Human Development Index. http://fa1.spd-berlin.de/glossar.htm</ref>.
*'''Capacity building''' is an element of capacity development. The latter is a holistic concept that addresses the development of a coutnries systemic level (e.g. framework conditions, rules, cultural attitudes), organisational and individual levels<ref>cp. e.g. GTZ: Our core competence: Capacity Development. http://www.gtz.de/en/unternehmen/29771.htm, retreived: 07-2011</ref>. Regulary, talking about capacity building refers to the individual level (however, whithin organizations) that shall be enhanced because of class-room and/or on-the job training.
= Capacity Building Measures<ref>parts of content from: GTZ (n.D.): ToR - Leistungsbeschreibung Windmessungen und Windpotentialbestimmung (1. Messphase) Anhang A_ToR 1. Messphase. Eschborn</ref><br/> =
<u>For instance:</u>
*knowledge transfer
*knowledge transfer
*training for local partner
*training for local partner
*energy policy advisory services
*energy policy advisory services
*vocational training
*vocational training
*on-the-job e.g. feasibility studies, analysis of wind data&nbsp;
*on-the-job e.g. feasibility studies, analysis of wind data
== Training example: Capacity Building Wind Energy<ref>content from InWent/Knecht, Klaus 2005: Capacity Building als Beitrag zur Wirtschaftskooperation mit China im Bereich Windenergie. TERNA-Fachgespräch, 8. März 2005</ref>  ==
Objective of the training:<br>
*Introduction in theoretical basics wind energy utilization
*Introduction wind energy turbine technology<br>
*Planning wind energy projects<br>
*Preparation of internation cooperation in the field of wind energy <br>
*Capacity Building and technology transfer in the field of wind energy<br>
Two Parts: <br>
1. [[Capacity_Building_-_Wind_Energy#Basic_Course:_.Introduction_into_Technology_of_Wind_Power_Plants|Basic Course "Technology of Wind Power Plants"]]<br>
2. Advanced Course "Application of Wind Energy"<br>
=== Basic Course: Introduction into Technology of Wind Power Plants<br>  ===
Content (2-months):
*Introduction into RE, environmental impacts on energy use
*Structure of theChinese energy sector
*RE sectoranalysis<br>
*Wind energy physiscs(maximal power coefficient; Betzmaximum; wind potential)
*Wind measurement and evaluation (anemometer calibration; Weibullparameters, power curve of wind turbines; energy output of a turbine)
*Wind turbine technology<br>
*Transport an erection of a wind turbine<br>
*Rotor design<br>
*Aerodynamic fundamentals<br>
*Blade dimension based(Betz, Schmitz)<br>
*Partial load performance<br>
*Wind tunnel testing<br>
*Structural loads<br>
*Electrical connection<br>
*Blade construction and production<br>
*Dynamic behaviour<br>
*Controlling (different control systems; pich; stall)<br>
*Economic analysis (methods, external costs, comparisonnalysis, sensitivity analysis, dynamic energy production costs)<br>
*Side selection<br>
*Environmental impacts<br>
*Social acceptance<br>
=== Advanced Course: Application of Wind Energy<br>  ===
[[Capacity_Building_-_Wind_Energy#toc|►Go to Top]]
Content (3-months course):<br>  
= Class-room and on the Job Training: Wind Data Measurements<br/> =
*Structural loads and operational parameters
The first phase of measurment of wind data should be accompanied by training measures for partner/local experts/staff.
*Design and control concepts of wind turbines
*Planning wind power projects incl. Electrical connection
*Technical concepts of German wind turbines
*Company presentations (AN Bonus, DeWnd, Nordex, REPower, GE Wind, Enercon, Vestas)
*German wind energy market
*Policy and incentives in Germany
*Wind measurement and resource assessment<br>
*Planning wind parks: Siting optimisation, transmission losses, wakeeffects)<br>
*Wind power in complex terrain(Micro-siting)<br>
*Resource assessment (flow models, park calculations)<br>
*Power curve measurements<br>
*Technical requirements for dataloggers<br>
*Environmental impacts of wind power project<br>
*Planning permission procedures and noise measurements<br>
*From financing to take over–practical aspectsof project planning<br>
*Stand alones ystems based on wind and hydropower
*Wind power integration into the electricity supply system and wind integration aspects in China
*Generator systems
*Gridconnections and grid effects
*Results of the German „250 MW wind power programme“
*Grid-relevant wind turbine characteristics given by manufacturers
*Hybrid systems with wind power<br>
Training example: <br>  
<u>Content of the trainings should be (among others):</u>
*General introduction into wind energy utilization and -technology
*approach and criteria for site selection
*methods and instruments for wind data measurement
*maintenance of measurement equipment and reading of data
*analysis of wind data
At the end of the training phase, the impacts should be evaluated, e.g. because of an "examination" (test). (cp. also [[Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) - Wind Energy|Monitoring]])
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">WORK in PROGRESS</span><br>  
see also: GTZ 2009: Development of Implementation Strategies for a Regional Regulatory Action Plan (RRAP) for the Western Cape. http://www.gtz.de/de/dokumente/gtz2009-en-regional-regulatory-action-plan-western-cape.pdf<br>
[[Capacity_Building_-_Wind_Energy#toc|►Go to Top]]
Training and Capacity Building pp. 112<br><br>
=== Wind measurement <10m ===
Staff of partners will be introduced into operation and maintenance of the equipment, as well as data collection and analysis.
*Subsequent to installation and commissioning of the measurement poles, the staff that is responsible for operation, maintenance and data management, will receive introduction according to their work tasks (Training-On-The-Job).
A Local Manufacturers Experience in Establishing Production Capacities<br>1.19 MB (English) http://www.gtz.de/de/dokumente/en-vortrag4-erfahrungen-einheimischer-hersteller-2009.pdf<br>  
<u>Content of the introduction:</u>
*Control and, if applicable, error analysis of messearument technology, regular maintenance of the system , documentation of maintenance (log book)
*Clarification of mode of data transfers of raw data and, likely, data analysis with the local experts
[[Capacity_Building_-_Wind_Energy#toc|►Go to Top]]
=== Wind Measurement > 10m<br/> ===
Beispiel Windmessungen bis 10m<br>  
<u>For wind measurement > 10 m, training content may look as follows:</u>
*increase of wind speed because of height over ground and calculation
*analysis of wind data
*long-term observation and corellation of wind data
*planning wind park layouts, optimization of different types of plants
*wind energy yield prediction
[[Capacity_Building_-_Wind_Energy#toc|►Go to Top]]
Personal des Partners in Betrieb und Wartung der Messstation sowie Datenaus-lesung und -analyse einarbeiten<br>Nach Installation und Inbetriebnahme der Messmasten wird das Personal des Partners, das für Betrieb, Wartung, Datentransfer und Datenauswertung benannt wird, durch den AN im Verlauf der Tätigkeiten vor Ort mit den Arbeiten vertraut gemacht und trainiert (Training-On-The-Job). Gegenstand der Einweisung sind:<br> Überprüfung und ggf. Fehleranalyse der Messtechnik, Wartung der Anlage in regelmäßi-gen Intervallen und Dokumentation der Wartungsarbeiten in einem Logbuch.<br> Klärung - mit den lokalen Fachkräften - des Modus des Datentransfers von Rohdaten und ggf. Datenauswertungen.<br>  
= Training Example: Capacity Building Wind Energy<ref>content from InWent/Knecht, Klaus 2005: Capacity Building als Beitrag zur Wirtschaftskooperation mit China im Bereich Windenergie. TERNA-Fachgespräch, 8. März 2005</ref><br/> =
<u>Objective of the training:</u>
*Introduction in theoretical basics wind energy utilization
*Introduction wind energy turbine technology
*Planning wind energy projects
*Preparation of internation cooperation in the field of wind energy
*Capacity Building and technology transfer in the field of wind energy
4. Aus- und Fortbildung<br>Die erste Messphase soll durch intensive Aus- und Fortbildungsmaßnahmen für den Partner begleitet werden, die sowohl theoretischer Natur sind als auch im Rahmen eines Training-On-The-Job erbracht werden. Dazu erstellt der AN zu Beginn ein detailliertes Trainingskonzept, welches auf einer systematischen Bedarfsbeurteilung zusammen mit dem Partner entwickelt wird. Das Konzept wird mit dem AG abgestimmt und sollte insgesamt 10 Tage nicht unterschreiten.<br>Inhalte der Aus- und Fortbildungsmaßnahmen sollten u.a. sein:<br>- Allgemeine Einführung in die Windenergienutzung und -technologie<br>- Vorgehensweise und Kriterien zur Standortauswahl<br>- Methodik und Instrumente der Windmessung<br>- Wartung von Messequipment und Auslesen der Daten<br>- Auswertung und Analyse von Winddaten<br>Am Ende der Aus- und Fortbildungsmaßnahmen soll deren Wirkung durch einen Test evalu-iert werden. Ferner soll die Zufriedenheit der Teilnehmer per Fragebogen erfasst werden.
<u>Two Parts:</u>
5. Berichterstattung<br>Folgende Berichte und Unterlagen werden vom AN erstellt:
1. Basic Course "Technology of Wind Power Plants"
Zu 3.1: Spezifikation für die Messausrüstung<br>Abnahmeprotokoll<br>Zu 3.2: Konzept für die Standortauswahl<br>Zu 3.2 bis 3.4: Ergebnisbericht der Mission (Standortauswahl) und<br>Abnahmeprotokoll<br>Zu 3.5: Kurzberichte nach 3, 6 und 9 Monaten Messzeit<br>Zu 3.6: Gutachten<br>Zu 4. Unterlagen zu Aus- und Fortbildung (Präsentationen, Lernmaterialien, Berechnungstabellen, Kurzbericht über die Evaluierung)
2. Advanced Course "Application of Wind Energy"
Die Berichte und Gutachten werden in englischer Sprache erstellt und dem AG in 3 Exemp-laren übersandt; zusätzlich werden dem AG auf Wunsch alle Unterlagen als MS-Word 7.0 bzw. als MS-Excel 7.0 Datensätze zur Verfügung gestellt. <br>
[[Capacity_Building_-_Wind_Energy#toc|►Go to Top]]
=== Basic Course: Introduction into Technology of Wind Power Plants<br/> ===
Windmessungen in größerer Höhe<br>  
<u>Content (2-months):</u>
*Introduction into RE, environmental impacts on energy use
*Structure of theChinese energy sector
*RE sectoranalysis
*Wind energy physiscs(maximal power coefficient; Betzmaximum; wind potential)
*Wind measurement and evaluation (anemometer calibration; Weibullparameters, power curve of wind turbines; energy output of a turbine)
*Wind turbine technology
*Transport an erection of a wind turbine
*Rotor design
*Aerodynamic fundamentals
*Blade dimension based(Betz, Schmitz)
*Partial load performance
*Wind tunnel testing
*Structural loads
*Electrical connection
*Blade construction and production
*Dynamic behaviour
*Controlling (different control systems; pich; stall)
*Economic analysis (methods, external costs, comparisonnalysis, sensitivity analysis, dynamic energy production costs)
*Side selection
*Environmental impacts
*Social acceptance
[[Capacity_Building_-_Wind_Energy#toc|►Go to Top]]
3.3 Personal des Partners in Betrieb und Wartung der Messstation sowie Datenaus-lesung und -analyse einarbeiten<br>Nach Installation und Inbetriebnahme der Messmasten wird das Personal des Partners, das für Betrieb, Wartung, Datentransfer und Datenauswertung benannt wird, durch den AN im Verlauf der Tätigkeiten vor Ort mit den Arbeiten vertraut gemacht und trainiert (Training-On-The-Job). Gegenstand der Einweisung sind:<br> Überprüfung und ggf. Fehleranalyse der Messtechnik, Wartung der Anlage in regelmäßi-gen Intervallen und Dokumentation der Wartungsarbeiten in einem Logbuch.<br> Klärung - mit den lokalen Fachkräften - des Modus des Datentransfers von Rohdaten und ggf. Datenauswertungen. <br>
=== Advanced Course: Application of Wind Energy<br/> ===
<u>Content (3-months course):</u>
*Structural loads and operational parameters
*Design and control concepts of wind turbines
*Planning wind power projects incl. Electrical connection
*Technical concepts of German wind turbines
*Company presentations (AN Bonus, DeWnd, Nordex, REPower, GE Wind, Enercon, Vestas)
*German wind energy market
*Policy and incentives in Germany
*Wind measurement and resource assessment
*Planning wind parks: Siting optimisation, transmission losses, wakeeffects)
*Wind power in complex terrain(Micro-siting)
*Resource assessment (flow models, park calculations)
*Power curve measurements
*Technical requirements for dataloggers
*Environmental impacts of wind power project
*Planning permission procedures and noise measurements
*From financing to take over–practical aspectsof project planning
*Stand alones ystems based on wind and hydropower
*Wind power integration into the electricity supply system and wind integration aspects in China
*Generator systems
*Gridconnections and grid effects
*Results of the German „250 MW wind power programme“
*Grid-relevant wind turbine characteristics given by manufacturers
*Hybrid systems with wind power
Aus- und Fortbildung <br>Die erste Messphase soll durch intensive Aus- und Fortbildungsmaßnahmen für den Partner begleitet werden, die sowohl theoretischer Natur sind als auch im Rahmen eines Training-On-The-Job erbracht werden. Dazu erstellt der AN zu Beginn ein detailliertes Trainingskonzept, welches auf einer systematischen Bedarfsbeurteilung zusammen mit dem Partner entwickelt wird. Das Konzept wird mit dem AG abgestimmt und sollte insgesamt 10 Tage nicht unterschreiten.<br>Inhalte der Aus- und Fortbildungsmaßnahmen sollten sein u.a.:<br>- Zunahme der Windgeschwindigkeit mit der Höhe über Grund und Kalkulation<br>- Auswertung und Analyse von Winddaten<br>- Langzeitabgleich von Winddaten<br>- Planung von Windparklayouts und Optimierung mit unterschiedlichen Anlagentypen<br>- Ertragsprognose<br>Am Ende der Aus- und Fortbildungsmaßnahmen soll deren Wirkung durch einen Test evalu-iert werden. Ferner soll die Zufriedenheit der Teilnehmer per Fragebogen erfasst werden.
[[Capacity_Building_-_Wind_Energy#toc|►Go to Top]]
= Further Information =
*[[Layout_of_Wind_Projects|Layout of Wind Projects]]<br/>
aus ToR - Leistungsbeschreibung&nbsp; Windmessungen und Windpotentialbestimmung (1. Messphase) Anhang A_ToR 1. Messphase<br><br>
[[Capacity_Building_-_Wind_Energy#toc|►Go to Top]]
= Resources<br/> =
*GTZ/TERNA 2007: Windenergie-Schulung für Kompetenzfeld 4413. Eschborn
<references />

Latest revision as of 13:04, 29 August 2014

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  • Capacity building aims to enhance the abilities of organisations, institutions and people to tackle development challenges. This implies that donor organizations do not solve development challenges (alone) but rather support their partners while providing trainings, workshops, on-ther-job assistance and advisory services[1].
  • Capacity building is an element of capacity development. The latter is a holistic concept that addresses the development of a coutnries systemic level (e.g. framework conditions, rules, cultural attitudes), organisational and individual levels[2]. Regulary, talking about capacity building refers to the individual level (however, whithin organizations) that shall be enhanced because of class-room and/or on-the job training.

Capacity Building Measures[3]

For instance:

  • knowledge transfer
  • training for local partner
  • energy policy advisory services
  • vocational training
  • on-the-job e.g. feasibility studies, analysis of wind data

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Class-room and on the Job Training: Wind Data Measurements

The first phase of measurment of wind data should be accompanied by training measures for partner/local experts/staff.

Content of the trainings should be (among others):

  • General introduction into wind energy utilization and -technology
  • approach and criteria for site selection
  • methods and instruments for wind data measurement
  • maintenance of measurement equipment and reading of data
  • analysis of wind data

At the end of the training phase, the impacts should be evaluated, e.g. because of an "examination" (test). (cp. also Monitoring)

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Wind measurement <10m

Staff of partners will be introduced into operation and maintenance of the equipment, as well as data collection and analysis.

  • Subsequent to installation and commissioning of the measurement poles, the staff that is responsible for operation, maintenance and data management, will receive introduction according to their work tasks (Training-On-The-Job).

Content of the introduction:

  • Control and, if applicable, error analysis of messearument technology, regular maintenance of the system , documentation of maintenance (log book)
  • Clarification of mode of data transfers of raw data and, likely, data analysis with the local experts

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Wind Measurement > 10m

For wind measurement > 10 m, training content may look as follows:

  • increase of wind speed because of height over ground and calculation
  • analysis of wind data
  • long-term observation and corellation of wind data
  • planning wind park layouts, optimization of different types of plants
  • wind energy yield prediction

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Training Example: Capacity Building Wind Energy[4]

Objective of the training:

  • Introduction in theoretical basics wind energy utilization
  • Introduction wind energy turbine technology
  • Planning wind energy projects
  • Preparation of internation cooperation in the field of wind energy
  • Capacity Building and technology transfer in the field of wind energy

Two Parts:

1. Basic Course "Technology of Wind Power Plants"

2. Advanced Course "Application of Wind Energy"

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Basic Course: Introduction into Technology of Wind Power Plants

Content (2-months):

  • Introduction into RE, environmental impacts on energy use
  • Structure of theChinese energy sector
  • RE sectoranalysis
  • Wind energy physiscs(maximal power coefficient; Betzmaximum; wind potential)
  • Wind measurement and evaluation (anemometer calibration; Weibullparameters, power curve of wind turbines; energy output of a turbine)
  • Wind turbine technology
  • Transport an erection of a wind turbine
  • Rotor design
  • Aerodynamic fundamentals
  • Blade dimension based(Betz, Schmitz)
  • Partial load performance
  • Wind tunnel testing
  • Structural loads
  • Scaling
  • Electrical connection
  • Blade construction and production
  • Dynamic behaviour
  • Controlling (different control systems; pich; stall)
  • Economic analysis (methods, external costs, comparisonnalysis, sensitivity analysis, dynamic energy production costs)
  • Side selection
  • Environmental impacts
  • Social acceptance

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Advanced Course: Application of Wind Energy

Content (3-months course):

  • Structural loads and operational parameters
  • Design and control concepts of wind turbines
  • Planning wind power projects incl. Electrical connection
  • Technical concepts of German wind turbines
  • Company presentations (AN Bonus, DeWnd, Nordex, REPower, GE Wind, Enercon, Vestas)
  • German wind energy market
  • Policy and incentives in Germany
  • Wind measurement and resource assessment
  • Planning wind parks: Siting optimisation, transmission losses, wakeeffects)
  • Wind power in complex terrain(Micro-siting)
  • Resource assessment (flow models, park calculations)
  • Power curve measurements
  • Technical requirements for dataloggers
  • Environmental impacts of wind power project
  • Planning permission procedures and noise measurements
  • From financing to take over–practical aspectsof project planning
  • Stand alones ystems based on wind and hydropower
  • Wind power integration into the electricity supply system and wind integration aspects in China
  • Generator systems
  • Gridconnections and grid effects
  • Results of the German „250 MW wind power programme“
  • Grid-relevant wind turbine characteristics given by manufacturers
  • Hybrid systems with wind power

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Further Information

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  • GTZ/TERNA 2007: Windenergie-Schulung für Kompetenzfeld 4413. Eschborn
  1. cp. e.g. Internationale Politik, Frieden und Entwicklung (n.D.): Glossar: Human Development Index. http://fa1.spd-berlin.de/glossar.htm
  2. cp. e.g. GTZ: Our core competence: Capacity Development. http://www.gtz.de/en/unternehmen/29771.htm, retreived: 07-2011
  3. parts of content from: GTZ (n.D.): ToR - Leistungsbeschreibung Windmessungen und Windpotentialbestimmung (1. Messphase) Anhang A_ToR 1. Messphase. Eschborn
  4. content from InWent/Knecht, Klaus 2005: Capacity Building als Beitrag zur Wirtschaftskooperation mit China im Bereich Windenergie. TERNA-Fachgespräch, 8. März 2005