RE/EE Guidance Documents and Tools for Policy Makers, Investors, and Technical Experts (RE-ACTIVATE)
RE-ACTIVATE has also produced – especially in close cooperation with RCREEE – a set of documents and tools helping to guide relevant actors in this field: policy makers, company representatives, investors, technicians, etc. The aim is to inform and orient them with regard to relevant markets and technologies, support them in preparing and realizing their projects, help them cope with administrative procedures and regulatory requirements, and by doing so promote an open exchange of experience within and among the countries of the region.
- Visualization Tool and Guiding Document for FiT PV Projects Above 500 kW in Egypt
- Visualization Tool and Guiding Document for FiT PV Projects below 500 kW in Egypt (English version)
- Visualization Tool and Guiding Document for FiT PV Projects below 500 kW in Egypt (Arabic version)
- Visualization Tool and Guiding Document for Importing Solar PV Equipment and Systems in Egypt
- Solar PV & Thermal Applications for the Hotel Sector: Technical Manual for the MENA Region (Link)
- Guide technique: Efficacité énergétique et intégration des énergies renouvelables dans l’industrie
- Traduction francaise: LEEN : Manuel de réseaux apprenants d’efficacité énergétique (Titre original: LEEN : Lernende Energieeffizienz-Netzwerke)
- Regional Guidance Paper for a Socio-Economically Effective and Environmentally Sustainable Use of Solar Pumping in the Arab Region (Link) (in the process of elaboration)
- Guide d’accès au financement au profit des agriculteurs
- Arabic Translation : GIZ/RaSeed practical project guideline for self-assessment of PV pumping in the agricultural sector (Link) (in the process of elaboration)
This article is part of the RE-ACTIVATE project. RE-ACTIVATE “Promoting Employment through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the MENA Region” is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). |