Opportunity - Grant Notice: Grants for Women Entrepreneurs in Energy Sector (WEE)

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Grant Notice: Grants for Women Entrepreneurs in Energy Sector (WEE)
Financial: (Grant)
  • Other
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Energy Access
  • Renewable Energy

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), with the support of the International Research Development Center (IRDC) is calling for the Women of Clean Energy in West Africa (WOCEWA) grants for women entrepreneurs in the energy sector. This grant will provide financial support to upscale the deployment of projects with a particular focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency that simultaneously promote gender equality and improve energy access in the ECOWAS region.

Women entrepreneurs are invited to submit their applications for developing renewable energy technologies and distributing clean energy solutions in West Africa. Projects will be evaluated based on Concept Innovation, Development Impact, and Business Model & Financial Sustainability.

All applications need to demonstrate a clear need and additionality for WOCEWA grants.

Based on the above, ECREEE encourages eligible women entrepreneurs in energy sector to submit applications in accordance with the requirements of the Request for Proposal (RFP) attached.


To be eligible for consideration, the application must be submitted using the prescribed application form available below. This will be operational on 20th December 2024 at 12 p.m. UTC-1.

Further information/clarification can be obtained at the following email addresses: sbangoura@ecowas.int with copy to ikkamara@ecowas.int; pzidago@ecreee.org; adeoliveira@ecreee.org and ombacke@ecowas.int. Please do not copy any of these email addresses when submitting your proposals. The Request for Proposals opens on December 20th, 2024, at 12 p.m. UTC-1 and closes on February 20th, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. UTC-1.

Applications should be submitted by email ONLY to rfp-wocewa@ecreee.org clearly indicating in the subject: “GRANTS FOR WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN ENERGY SECTOR (WEE)”.

Further information: https://www.ecreee.org/grant-notice-grants-for-women-entrepreneurs-in-energy-sector-wee/