Increasing Access to Clean Energy and Microfinance Products for Small-Producer Organisations
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Increasing Access to Clean Energy and Microfinance Products for Ugandan Small-Producer Organisations
Last edit made by Stefan Eibisch on 2024-05-14. This is a wiki, do not hesitate to update information by clicking on "Edit with form".
Key Data
Fairtrade Foundation ; Practical Action, Fairtrade Africa
September 2020 - May 2022
Project Description
To enable more members of farming cooperatives to access financial products and use them to purchase solar energy systems, the project facilitates the development of microfinance products tailored to the target groups. Members of the cooperatives can purchase renewable energy systems and thus fuel a market for them. With the help of information campaigns, the project informs the members of the cooperatives about technologies and financial products and networks all actors with each other. All these measures combined contribute to more members using solar systems and in turn to an overall more robust energy supply in Uganda especially in rural areas.
GBE Component
Small Projects Fund
- Community-based Approaches
- Energy Access
Country SPF
Geographic coordinates of project site
0° 7' 36.19" S, 31° 37' 18.66" E
Latitude Longitude