Field Testing of an Innovative Solar Powered Milk Cooling Solution for the higher Efficiency of the Dairy Subsector in Tunisia

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Last modified by Stefan Eibisch on 2016-09-07. This is a wiki so please feel free to update information by clicking on "Edit with form".

Project title

Field Testing of an Innovative Solar Powered Milk Cooling Solution for the higher Efficiency of the Dairy Subsector in Tunisia

Project country/region

☐ East Asia & Pacific
☐ Europe & Central Asia
☐ Latin America & The Carribean
Middle East & North Africa - Tunisia
☐ North America
☐ South Asia
☐ Sub-Saharan Africa

Project organisation

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), University of Hohenheim, Phaesun, Tunisian Institute of Agriculture Research (INRAT)

Project description

Project component aim and approach

The project supports the field assessment of a solar-powered milk cooling solution, designed to meet the refrigeration needs of small and medium-sized dairy farmers in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia. The ice-based cooling solution was developed specifically to overcome the challenges during short-term on-farm storage of milk and transportation to collection centers.

Planned activities

(1) Installing 10 small-scale milk cooling systems, with a capacity of 60l per day each, at 7 dairy farms with production volumes ranging from 60l to 120l per day. (On field since April 2016) (2) Monitoring technological performance under field conditions, specifically by measuring achieved milk quality improvements (3) Analyzing business opportunities and technology promotion strategies, as quality-price-premiums and cooperative models, to give access to higher milk quality and productivity to the regional dairy industry (4) Assessing social acceptance and social impact in terms of gender and labor organization

Project related to following sources of energy


☐ Biomass

☐ Biofuel

☐ Biogas

☐ Wind

☐ Geo-Thermal

☐ Hydro

☐ Energy Efficiency

☐ Other: /

Project primarily related to the following Commodity Groups

☐ Cereals

☐ Fruits and vegetables

☐ Nuts and berries

☐ Forage

Dairy products

☐ Meat products

☐ Oil Seeds

☐ Roots and Tubers

☐ Eggs

☐ Pulses

☐ Fiber Crops

☐ Forestry

☐ Sugars

☐ Stimulants

☐ Spices

☐ Other: /

Project primarily related to the following Agricultural Value Chain Steps

☐ Mechanization

Efficiency of Operation

☐ Processing

☐ Transportation

☐ Controlled Atmosphere

Controlled Temperature

☐ Mechanical Sorting

☐ Preservation

☐ Other: /

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