Event - Workshop: EU Green Power Transformation Forum
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Workshop: EU Green Power Transformation Forum
Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE)
Forum & Symposium
- Financing and Business Models
- Renewable Energy
2022/11/09 08:00 AM SAST
2022/11/09 09:00 AM SAST
- Swaziland
Hilton Garden Inn Mbabane Mhlambanyatsi Road Mbabane, Hhohho Region H100 Swaziland
The EU Green Power Transformation Forum Workshop will convene public and private stakeholders to enable business partnerships and knowledge sharing to catalyse investments and power sector reform to support the energy transition in Eswatini.
The workshop will consist of two roundtables on the roles of each actor in the renewable energy sector, and how they should work together to reach bankability and access finance in Eswatini. A final panel discussion will address the skilled job force for the Eswatini renewable energy sector.
The event, organised by the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE), is supported by the European Union Delegation to the Kingdom of Eswatini and the two European programmes ‘GET.invest’ and ‘GET.transform’, which are supported by the European Union, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and Austria. The event is co-organised by ‘Business Eswatini’ (BE) and ‘Renewable Energy Association of Eswatini’ (REAESWA).
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/workshop-eu-green-power-transformation-forum-tickets-424946023997